How safe is Bon Neem? plus pics of my girls!!


Well-Known Member
How safe is bon neem?
I've been using it 2 times a week to battle off these damn bugs. I notice it leaving white residue, what appears to be a salty grainy substance on my leaves. Anyone familiar with this product " BON-NEEM" ?

Heres whats in it :Section II - Hazardous Ingredients/IdentityHazardous Components (Specific Chemical Identity: Common Name(s) OSHA PEL ACGIH TLV Other Limits % (Optional)
Pyrethrins 0.02%
Piperonyl Butoxide, Tech. 0.20%
Clarified Hydrophobic Extract of Neem Oil None Est. 0.90%
Other Inert Ingredients 98.88.%

Also heres pics of this years run! Some autos and photos for ya guys!


jessy koons

New Member
I am familiar with Bon Neem but what know it to be is very different then what you describe. Google it and you'll see what I mean.


Well-Known Member
After application of neem oil you should rince leave's well so stomata on the leave's can breeth!!Apply in am when sun's low.....never on a bud will stink when burnt only good for water hash then...jack


Well-Known Member
I am familiar with Bon Neem but what know it to be is very different then what you describe. Google it and you'll see what I mean.
What do you mean? I didnt fully understand what you were saying. I use Bon Neem. Been using it at night. Is this bad stuff? I been spraying my autos mainly with it. I will stop using it since they are budding.


Well-Known Member
JJ>>>> NEVER SPRAY AT NIGHT!!!!!! allway's spray in am as moisture will dry durring day and not invite mold and mildew!!You should not spray any BUD with anything!!Neem is fine just not the way you are applying it find other solution for bug's...use benificial nematode's from scanmask or use dr; doom..mighty wash!! any thing that will work not neem this late!! for defence not to fight the war!! what Bug??? I'LL tell you how to rid!! jack


Well-Known Member
Just spray with pure water in between treatments to cleanse the stomata. I use Neem oil but I make my own mix of 1-4 ml / Litre. I have to add dishwash soap to cut the oil with the water. This may be why you are getting a residue. Shake the bottle violently befroe and during use and keep in a cool place.


Well-Known Member
JJ>>>> NEVER SPRAY AT NIGHT!!!!!! allway's spray in am as moisture will dry durring day and not invite mold and mildew!!You should not spray any BUD with anything!!Neem is fine just not the way you are applying it find other solution for bug's...use benificial nematode's from scanmask or use dr; doom..mighty wash!! any thing that will work not neem this late!! for defence not to fight the war!! what Bug??? I'LL tell you how to rid!! jack
I dont spray at NIGHT. But evening when the sun is down, about 7pm. So its daylight for another 2 or so hrs.


Well-Known Member
jj your not listening you are asking for mold and mildew after growing this long it's as you please you will learn the hard way..too bad