How safe is it really to grow? Any experiences


Well-Known Member
If you have your rec, how safe is it to grow.

Lets say you go with 6 mature and you get raided, I know they could still arrest you but anyway you could get fucked in court?

What if you had the 12 immature going as well (so 12veg and 6 flower)?

I know it's kind of a fuzzy thing but anyone have experienced with the law
Getting raided (imo) only happens when you make one of a few mistakes:
A) Stealing electricity (biggest mistake people make. they assume if they have a high electric bill that the electric company will contact the police dept so they decide to steal it. well the only reason the electric company will contact the police is if you have been stealing electricity. so long as you pay the bill every month w/o stealing any electricity you will be FINE)

B) Opening their mouth/telling people you grow.

many will use this against you in any way they can should you two have a falling out or if they get arrested (people make "deals" with the cops all the time...dont think they wont fry your ass to save theirs)

C) Dealing from your grow house. neighbors see you acting suspicious...people going and coming at all hours of the day and night = busted.

If you grow my advice is keep it low key. Blend in with the rest of your neighbors. use carbon filters. no weird traffic at all hrs of the day and night...conceal all growing equipment when you bring it home (in boxes and such). you dont want them to see you hauling soil, light systems, etc. onto the property. bury your old roots on the property. Don't throw leaves/branches, grow waste in general in the garbage, etc.

Do this and you'll be fine. get some security for your own piece of mind (i suggest a dog or two like a german shepherd, a rott, pitt etc just no ankle biters) and maybe some well hidden cameras (you dont want them in plain view as neighbors may think you're up to something with all the security cameras) a burglar alarm would be great too (just don't hook it up to the police dept for obvious reasons)

Despite what most others will say a gun or two (legally registered in your name ONLY! no stolen/throw aways) will ultimately save you from rippers and its your absolutely last line of defense.

Its pretty secure if you have dogs. they are the first line of defense and your earliest warning to potential rippers. to get past your dogs they'll have to shoot them (that'll tip you off right away that shit is about to go down). then the cameras...then the burglar alarm...then the firepower.

its the best route (imo) to protect against rippers. you'll have your bases covered from the law and the rippers if you follow what im saying. its really not all that hard to do...just look at your grow site and figure out what are all the possible things that can go wrong. look for weaknesses to your property...whats the most likely point of entrance if someone breaks in...etc.


Well-Known Member
I know this is a very late reply but I have to advise against having dogs as protection. Regularly being around an outdoor dog is a dangerous avenue of transmission for pests that can potentially end your grow. This has happened to me a few times, so my opinion is that just being quiet about your business is much better than having guard dogs.