How should a dried cola look like?


This picture is from my first try at growing weed. IT is a auto Amnesia haze. I also have a fem. that just started Flowering, wanna do it right with her.
Any help is apreciated. Thanks everyone.
Bud normally bulks out in last 2weeks,the white/brown hairs will recede into the bud as it puts on mass. You deffo chopped a few week to early,but only thing u really sacrificed is your yield. As long as the trichomes are cloudy/amber you can harvest as early or late as you want, personal pref.
I would say that was cut down about 4-6 weeks too early, or it had some difficulties during its bloom stage. At least you got something from your first grow.

I would suggest trying something leaning towards Indica for your next grow, they are shorter, tend to grow a little quicker, and during bloom they swell up in many short stages. Sativa's and Hazes tend to JUMP, they will do nothing for 2 weeks then suddenly swell, then do nothing for 2 weeks and swell again and so on. Which is why they are known for having much longer flowering periods.
For it to look that early and you to think it was "on time" there might be something wrong with your environment, what's the situation?
Well, i tried to chop it on the right time... Will try harder next time :/ still smokabIe?
Hate to be the voice of reason here but that bud looks to be only 4 or 5 weeks at the most. Id be willing to bet once you dry and cure It you would get higher off of mexican brown brick. what made you think it was done?
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