How should I go about this transplant?


Active Member
Okay, so I currently have my plants in five gallon buckets growing indoors under a 400MH. Their about 23" tall currently and about 20" across. What I want to do is transplant from the five gallon to a seven, or ten gallon bucket. I did not originally plan on this idea but I thought, hey why not. My idea was to cut the bucket off, since I can't pull the plant out of the bucket. Although I am worried about damaging roots.
Would this idea work well or does somebody perhaps have a better method of transplanting a five gallon bucket plant?


Well-Known Member
Okay, so I currently have my plants in five gallon buckets growing indoors under a 400MH. Their about 23" tall currently and about 20" across. What I want to do is transplant from the five gallon to a seven, or ten gallon bucket. I did not originally plan on this idea but I thought, hey why not. My idea was to cut the bucket off, since I can't pull the plant out of the bucket. Although I am worried about damaging roots.
Would this idea work well or does somebody perhaps have a better method of transplanting a five gallon bucket plant?
Unless your planning on vegging for a really long time the 5gal buckets are plenty.. No need in the extra stress of transplanting.
I've grown 7footers in 5gal buckets no probs


Active Member
I did not know I could get them that big in a five gal. That was my plan though, I wanted to get them as big as possible since I only have three. My other three got thrips so I just tossed em.
I've been vegging for almost two months already, and I'm not in any rush to start flowering. How long did you veg to get them that big in a five gal?


Well-Known Member
I did not know I could get them that big in a five gal. That was my plan though, I wanted to get them as big as possible since I only have three. My other three got thrips so I just tossed em.
I've been vegging for almost two months already, and I'm not in any rush to start flowering. How long did you veg to get them that big in a five gal?
Sorry bout delay.. Keep in mind genetics r the key to how tall a plant will get.. I vegged for 6wks then 8 1/2 wk flower.. and had no probs with roots at all just had to increase watering schedule last cpl wks.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm...I vegged a plant once for 6 weeks and it needed a 7 gallon outgrew the 5...I use nursery pots, most landscapers and nurseries will give you used ones...they are way easier to manage for transplants and what not...I just hold the main stalk with one hand, and the then flip the whole thing upside try to manuever in a way that you can gently get the pot off the bottom of the plant without wrecking anything...if you don't have some mad skills you might need another person to help you


Active Member
Okay I got it. Im going to put them into seven gal pots and see how big I can get these things. Since I had to give three up Im left with a ton of empty space, so I thought I would grow the remaining three as big as I possibly could. Then I could make up for the three that where lost. Hopefully I can get then to six ft, that would be great. The tallest I have ever grown this strain is about 3 1/2ft and it can definitely grow taller than that. So I'll see how it turns out

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
That's like 30 cubic feet of soil for three plants. Sounds like alot of work. Go clones and get a rock hydro system. I bud as many as 25 clones in a 3' x 3' x 8" hydro table.


Well-Known Member
you dont really need to transplant it a 5 gal bucket should be more then enough its all about the genetics


Well-Known Member
I figure my 3-gallon pots are fine for any plant kept 3 months or less. Were you planning on keeping your plant going 5 or 7 months????

It is easy to cut out the bottom of a pot then just set the whole thing on top of another bucket/pot. I've done it with no problems. But,
5-gallon buckets are easy to TP out of because they have sloped sides. Just run a butcher knife along the inside wall of the pot making
sure to go all the way to the bottom.
