How should i go from 18/6 to 12/12???


Hi! I am coming up to my last week of vegging and I have to switch from 18/6 to 12/12. My 400 watt metal halide light turns on at 4 AM and shuts off at 10 PM. How should i make this switch from vegging to flower? As in what time should I have them turn off and turn on?


Well-Known Member
simple, keep your on time to 4AM and change your off to 4PM

Unless ofcourse you want your ON time to be different.

I keep my ON time the same, but then i turn ON at 6pm and OFF at 6am this way if i need to do any work in my garden i can after i get home from work and dont have to wake up with the birds to do any work.



Well-Known Member
depending on the heat in your area, you might consider 10pm to 10am..just another option. either one is fine


Active Member

Unless ofcourse you want your ON time to be different.

I keep my ON time the same, but then i turn ON at 6pm and OFF at 6am this way if i need to do any work in my garden i can after i get home from work and dont have to wake up with the birds to do any work.

i do the same. i wake at 6 in the am so its easy to catch them just at lights on and by the time i get home from work i still have an hour before lights off. some ppl keep the light cycle on at night to help with the temp's but its up to you any 12/12 will do


Active Member
another thing to think off is your peak energy period. Here, i run from 7pm to 7am all off-peak ,so i save umm a bit. From 7am to 7pm is prime time billing hours. So if you are pinching pennies or dollars to burn, those are the rules of the billing game. Might be different in your area- obviously. :-P


Active Member
I agree with jondamon, keep it as close to natural as possible unless your schedule won't afford the ability to tend u ladies properly.