how soon can you clone?


Active Member
i dont exactly know the answer to this question, but id geuss that you could start cloning as soon as u have good strong green branches with nice leaves of them. i would recommend getting something to promote the growth of roots, seeing as how i have tried cloning before, and havent had any luck with just water.

may there always be a nug in your bowl


Active Member
I wouldn't start cloning to your plant reaches sexual maturity. You can tell by when it either shows sex, or starts to show alternating branches... Hope this helps. I have the best success when I take cuttings from them after they have reached their sexual maturity. As soon as they root you can flower,,,works good for a sog...



Well-Known Member
I use a powdered rooting hormone. I have heard of a gel rooting solution that some say works better, but ya use what ya got. I usually try to snip a branch located near the bottom of the plant about 4 - 6in. long. After you take your cutting submerge it in water. Keep it there as to stop the chance of a bubble forming in the stem. Snip any leaves off up to the growth shoot. I usually leave a couple SMALL leaves. Then while holding the cutting tip and all snipped nodes under water I lightly scrape the outer layer off the stem with a razor. (Dip your tools in alcohol to keep them clean.) POwder up a couple inches of stem with the rooting hormone and plant in a peat moss cup. Potting soil and perlite or vermiculite. Soil must be kept moist. Temp must be kept below 80 degrees. And keep a clear plastic tubberware dome over the plants. Heavily mist the dome and the plants. They need to get their water through their leaves seeing as the have no root system. The dome is essential people! I was screwed without it.


Active Member
hey if the branches on the top leaves start getting prickly little purple spots on them, is this good or bad?


Well-Known Member
id wait untill your plant is pretty well established and missing a few branches wont effect it, but you could do it anytime