how soon to harvest?


Well-Known Member
so, they've been flowering for about 4 weeks and now most hairs have gone red, but there is still a little crown of white hairs growing on each bud.. should i wait for that to disappear?
one friend says to give them another 3 weeks - another guy says they may be ready now..
i am in northern california - the strain is Aff-Goo from clones.. outdoor..
the buds have really grown and firmed up a lot in the past few days, but i think they have a bit more growth to go - touching the buds, they don't have quite the firmness i would expect..
i'm going to look at the trychomes again in the morning - i havent checked them since early flowering.. this is my first time using a magnifier on weed though..

thanks for any input! happy harvesting!!


Well-Known Member
LET HER GO !!!!!!!!! No way is that baby done no matter what the pistils look like. Personally i have never had a plant ready in less than 8 weeks and I usually let them go a bit longer than that. Pick her too soon and it will all be for naught. Seriously my friend, give her a few more weeks and you'll see the difference and it will be a big one.


Well-Known Member
if they have only been flowering for four weeks then they defiantly need about four more weeks,give or take a few days.
be patient you will reap the rewards...:-)


Well-Known Member
it should be about 6 weeks flowerin if you're doin outdoor in northern cali. i would harvest in mid oct.