How tall are your plants heading into flowering phase this year?


This is just my second harvest, and first for the May-October season (First harvest went from Jan to May here in southern cali). I'm growing in a greenhouse, so just using the sun as light. My question is how big are your plants right now as we head into the flowering phase?

I ask because I bought some OG kush clones and planted them in May. I figured I'd get something in the range of 5-6 ft plants when its time for harvest. Well, the plants are just about to start flowering, but they are already 8 ft tall and about 6 ft wide now. The plants stem is more like a tree trunk the size of my arm. I haven't used any nutrients since June 15th. I just want to make sure this is normal stuff. Thanks for your input.


Well-Known Member
Normal how? An 8 footer in California seems normal to me. I'm in.New England and my plants are 6 foot tall 4 feet wide right now, in a small greenhouse as well.
California had a better grow season so I would expect them to be bigger. With the stretch they pretty big.


Well-Known Member
This is just my second harvest, and first for the May-October season (First harvest went from Jan to May here in southern cali). I'm growing in a greenhouse, so just using the sun as light. My question is how big are your plants right now as we head into the flowering phase?

I ask because I bought some OG kush clones and planted them in May. I figured I'd get something in the range of 5-6 ft plants when its time for harvest. Well, the plants are just about to start flowering, but they are already 8 ft tall and about 6 ft wide now. The plants stem is more like a tree trunk the size of my arm. I haven't used any nutrients since June 15th. I just want to make sure this is normal stuff. Thanks for your input.
You did something right


Well-Known Member
I got some over 8ft for sure havnt measured but it's normal in Cali if you play your cards rite. Good job


Well-Known Member
My one pretty little potted girl is 43" from soil to tip as of today. Not an impressive size but hoping she makes up for it in quality. And still not too shabby when you factor in a late start, newbie grower, potted plant, and sitting outside in fairly plain view in a large city where it's not legal.

All in all, I'm very satisfied with her so far. *fingers crossed*

Pic taken July 29



Well-Known Member
My one pretty little potted girl is 43" from soil to tip as of today. Not an impressive size but hoping she makes up for it in quality. And still not too shabby when you factor in a late start, newbie grower, potted plant, and sitting outside in fairly plain view in a large city where it's not legal.

All in all, I'm very satisfied with her so far. *fingers crossed*

Pic taken July 29
Well that's the perfect scenario to put some fake flowers on your plant to disguise it as a floral bush .....nice plant though for sure .....good luck


Well-Known Member
Well that's the perfect scenario to put some fake flowers on your plant to disguise it as a floral bush .....nice plant though for sure .....good luck
Don't you hate when someone gives you the most obvious simple solution to a problem that you should have thought of yourself without really even needing to think?

...thanks Indacouch......I'll show myself out now...

*slouches and skulks off to craft store in search of fake flowers*


Well-Known Member
Don't you hate when someone gives you the most obvious simple solution to a problem that you should have thought of yourself without really even needing to think?

...thanks Indacouch......I'll show myself out now...

*slouches and skulks off to craft store in search of fake flowers*
Hey don't feel bad I figured that out the same way my friend .....99 cent store has shit loads of fake flowers .......send a pic when your done and subtle colors usually look more realistic IMO.


Well-Known Member
sf.73.JPG 14 weeks of 15 sun/ 9 dark, now into the greenhouse at 14-1/2 weeks till done. I had the branches tied down to within one inch of the smartPot rim. Now I released the ties that bound them and let the branches rise-up on their on steam. The fence circles consist of (42) of the 2x4" sections in length. I cut the wire ends off as flush as possible to their perpendicular cross wire, and used plant ties to hold the ends together. When the buds want to fall through, I either widen the sections with my hand for easier passage, or cut a wire that separates two sections and make them one big section. The inside temp stays with 6-10 degrees of the outside. I have one 10" blade room fan set on "low". I just order a Honeywell 908 that is a manual direction fan ($25., amazon) so that I can experiment with directing the fan at the ceiling or any angle I choose to try. It can be wall-mounted by hanging the base on two stud nails. The fan pulls less than 1 amp. About 0.6 amps on "high" speed.
The 10" oscillating fan does move all of the leaves and that's important for transpiration.
I did strip the big leaves off at 13 weeks, because the plants were getting too big. But they've grown back. I read in a (.edu) botany report, that the big leaves are the "source", and that flowers were the "sink". So, big leaves store nutes. Still I feel that removing some of the big laeves that hide the little buds within from developing, makes for a denser cola. But this is my first grow.
Most rapid change seen in my experience was a week after I started using (1) tsp. of USP Epsom Salt per gallon, increased the sulfur and the trichs are so huge that they are exploding and clear nectar is draining-off some of the larger sun-facing bud-pods.
Has anyone ever raised bee colonys in a cannabis grove? I'd like a jar of that honey. I've had Christmas tree honey in Lebanon. It was clear and light with a zephyr of evergreen.
Well that's my life story. Happy harvest. sf.70a.JPG sf.72.JPG sf.74.JPG sf.76.JPG sf.77.JPG
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Thanks for all the pics and comments. I've done some research and most say these plants hardly ever get above 6 ft, especially the indica dominant strains. But here's a pic I took last week of the 10 I've got. The greenhouse is 8ft at the edge and rises to 10ft in the middle. The crazy thing is they just started to flower, so now I'm trying to figure out if I should trim them or just rip the top of the greenhouse off.



Well-Known Member
Well if your not worried about thieves, I'd try removing some GH ceiling panes to allow the tops grow-on until they quit. And, I scalp a group of them of big fan leaves, and then bend and tie the tops down. Experiment! You'll be in the same situation next year and can plan accordingly. Nice grow.
There's an article on topping and final days of a grow:
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Well-Known Member
Gee...when's Christmas? Put some lights on that puppy.
They must have good water in Maine, feeding plants di-rectly from a garden hose.
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