How tall does it get?

Smokin' Hottie

Active Member
I'm sure this has been asked before, but if we didn't ask again whenever we wanted, nothing would ever get done. Maybe, I don't fucking know what I just said.

It probably varies with strain, but on average, how much does a plant grow after you force flower it? Like if I stop vegging at 2ft. how tall will it be by harvest? Or 3ft., etc.


Well-Known Member
at least twice sometimes more with sativa plants. so if your at 2ft veg you should be at least 4ft at flower with the stretch maybe more. i did mine at around 12in and they are around 24in now. maybe a bit more.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
If indica it will double if sativa heavy triple or quadruple so at 2 feet an indica will be 4 footish and sativa 6-8 feet

Smokin' Hottie

Active Member
Crap, I have no idea what they are. It's my first grow and a fellow 'botanist' gave me some seeds. I'll have to ask next time I see him.


Well-Known Member
even during veg the indica plants will be shorter and bushier and the sativa's will be a little taller with less lower branch development. and hybrids will usually show a taller main stalk with somewhat taller lower branches. kinda like a fist giving the bird in terms of shape.

Smokin' Hottie

Active Member
No, I know that much, I haven't actually started growing them yet. I was just asking so I could be sure to plan my schedule and closet accordingly. Thanks for all the quick replies guys.

Smokin' Hottie

Active Member
I would have to guess the seeds are at least mostly sativa though. Judging from what I smoked the other day. It was supposedly the seeds' auntie that didn't get knocked up cuz it was in a different room. Hopefully the daddy wasn't some street trash.