How Tall Should My Plants Get?


Active Member
All my plants are about 19-22 inches tall. They have been veg from seed. They have been vegging for about 2 months. 36 plants total some are sativa and some Indica. I am running 2 1000w hps lights on a light mover and the room is about 12x15. There on 3 gal grow bags. My air flow is pretty good, my temperature is aournd 70-85 and humidity is around 50-70%. Im using Frogs soil and Envy nutrients. How tall should my plants get when there finish. Thanks in advance...


I put my plants into Flower at around 16-24" tall. After 8 days i sexed them and one of my females was already 3.5 feet tall, so that thing grew drastically like 2" a day for that period. i too have 8' ceiling but i hope i will be good. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, better flip 'em soon, or you'll be running outta heigth. They should be in the 4' range by the end of week 3, then slow down and start flowering, rather than stretching.


This is why I prefer to grow a single strain. Uniformity.
Plants bolt when induced to flower. Some stretch 50% some more like 65-70%. At 3 feet, you would have 6-9 foot plants. I retard the stretch by flowering under halide for 8-10 days, then add HPS. I get less stretch, and the growth stays compact and tight.
It they get too tall, you could try super cropping.