how tall will it grow??


I have 5 PPP plants. i let them veg. for 6 weeks. they are now on the 16th day of flowering. good flowers already but these fuckers are like 5' tall. how much taller will they get? i have 8' ceilings!! help a brotha out


Active Member
DAMN DUDE five feet!? lol you bought a sativa dominant strain, next time buy a more mixed strain ( best prices on fem seeds, most farms on the net) OR top your plants while they are vegging when they develop the fourth set of rigid leaves, it will sprout two heads and therefore only grow half as tall (i do that to my blues). as for the ones you have now look up bending techniques/methods, i think if ur in the last half of flowering you'll be ok.



Well-Known Member
damn brotha you shoulda started flowering them when they were about 2ft or so, they usually double to triple in size during flower... but, you didn't know that so you can start bending the tops down toward the ground gradually, this should get u by for now... next time induce flowering when plants are rougly half the size you want when finished... no harm done, just bend the top over slightly and tie with twine or something, not tite but secure, then in a couple days bend a little more and retie... GL, and try and indica strain next time, they're much better for an indoor grow...


Well-Known Member
Like the others go with bending. I use net to have my plants grow thru and then if they get out of hand I just pull the net to one side, over a period of 24 hrs so not to stress them too much.

Ohhh to have such troubles ... just kidding ... good luck


Well-Known Member
They are not going to grow much taller as you are into the third week of flowering. I think the main growth spurt is just about over and soon they will start thickening up big time!!
You have 3 more feet to go and they will not grow 3 more feet.