How tall will sativa get? Thoughts on my closet cfl set up?


Well-Known Member
I think I gave the smoke to one of my friends who would smoke anything.
Lmao i think we all have a friend or some dude we know that will smoke anything ha ha, and then come back the next day and tell you they got wasted and even hilusinated lol


Well-Known Member
Lmao i think we all have a friend or some dude we know that will smoke anything ha ha, and then come back the next day and tell you they got wasted and even hilusinated lol
yeah. In that era I think I had about 20 friends like that. lol


Well-Known Member
ok sweet. thanks for the advice! i'm thinking about adding a few more cfls or just using the other side of the closet for flowering. its all up in the air but at least I know what kind of seeds to get now.. is flowering possible with cfls?
Yes, you can flower with cfls'. the trick is to keep them as close to the plant as possible, I mean practically touching the leaves. You'll also want to run as many bulbs ( preferably 42 watt) as the temps will allow. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
shes got 6 above in the hood and 4 arround, and they are pretty cheapo crapy ones lol, shes gonna about another 4 at weekend i think, but she is filling out nicely, she started out on my kitchen window just before i joined rui in aug, then i made my growroom and first hood lol, or something that slightly resembled a hood :mrgreen: lol those were the days, look at all the room i had, how things have changed lol



Active Member
man thanks for the help everyone.. i'm about to start reading that article on canopy management.. i think i'm going to put the top of my grow room on right around where the shelf is in my closet so maybe 6 foot? that should be good for whatever i can get my hands on.. i'll update when these seeds sprout!