How tall will they get


Active Member
If i begin flower of my white widow, AK47, and skywalkers at 2 feet about how tall should I anticipate the end result. I realize there is no definitive answer, just lookin for an estimate.


Active Member
my general rule of thumb for house plants (between 2 and 6 ft) is that they'll gain around 2-6 inches per foot of height at the time you switch the lights. not an exact science but just something to estimate by. happy growing and as always, stay smokey :leaf:


Well-Known Member
No idea what lemon is talking about. You can expect them to at least double if not triple/quadruple in size.

Here is my current grow to give you an idea -
Progression - day from seed entering soil - not breaking surface.

Day 1,5,9

Day 13,18,20

Day 22, 29 (day 5 flower)

Here they are just finishing with their early flower stretch, this is day 22 of flower and so far they have gone from 1' to 3' with training to keep then short.

Another example - these started 12/12 at this size:

Ended at this size:

These ones started 12/12 at this size:

Ended at this size (this is 4 fewer plants than I had before starting 12/12).

More than 50% of your growth (generally much more) occurs during flowering. I've never had a plant not at least double in height and quadruple in mass.



Active Member
Gastanker thanks a million for your absolute no doubt about it answer, with the photo documentation to prove it. I really appreciate your answer and your time. Also you saved me from making a grave mistake. Cheers brother.
Seed people say about 21" for AK47, man thats short. Maybe I need to try them...My afghan Special are already that big nearly and I just started flowering.


Well-Known Member
I think it all depends on the strain, and how you train it. Plants that are bushy might stretch as much during flowering as single cola plants. I think sativa tends to stretch more as well.

Here's my current grow when the lights were switched to 12/12 (clockwise from top left: Sour Diesel x Hindu Kush, OG Kush, Blueberry x WW, Jack Herer):


And here's a shot at approx 4 weeks into 12/12:


Keep in mind my plants were all topped and supercropped to keep them from getting too tall.


Well-Known Member
they dont grow to much in flower, probably up to another 6-8 inches id say
dude im not calling u a liar because everyones experience is different, but snicol u need to be very careful letting them get too big. as a rule of thumb u can expect them to double in size during the 1st 2 weeks of flower, then grow 1/4" to 1/2" per day after that. i have read many other peoples experience with this, and this is also my experience. and my strains are "short" indicas. they fuckin explode during the 1st 2 weeks of flower im tellin ya. but also im in a supped up hydro set up w a 1000w hps too. so everyones experience may differ w different set ups. peace


Well-Known Member
fucking sick i thought you couldnt put seeds together in the same pot?????????
Nah, that's a silly old myth. As long as there is enough soil for each plant you're golden. But do make sure there is enough soil for each plant.

If you had a single plant that had a minimum soil requirement of 1 gallon and you put two plants in there it wouldn't be great and each would likely grow half the size as they would without being crowded - but if you put 2 plants into a 2 gallon container its the same as each being in their own 1 gallon container; they might compete but the overall yield of the two plants together will not decline.

Put 4 plants (2 of the initial were pulled) into a 65gallon smart pot and you really don't need to worry about competition and the soil maintains biological activity and moisture content much better than individual pots. Works really well if you're lazy as you rarely need to water and the large amount of soil means my organic amendments are broken down at top notch speeds so no fertilizer is ever added during the grow. Can you imagine if farmers had to separate all of their plants? Oh jeez...


Active Member
I have only 7 ft to work with, and I am gonna be running 3 400w HPS, I think Ill start flower on sunday, plants will be about 24" by then. Thanks for all the advice everyone.


Well-Known Member
Yeah of course it matters the strain at lights etc. mine hardly double in size, but I grow with cfls all around and right up on it so it grows short and bushy, as I have space issues.


Well-Known Member
I have only 7 ft to work with, and I am gonna be running 3 400w HPS, I think Ill start flower on sunday, plants will be about 24" by then. Thanks for all the advice everyone.
i would flick to flower now then, your plants will at least double so that would be 4 foot took, then say a foot for light, and a foot for the pot, thats 6 feet which gives you a foot to play with in case they stretch abit more, also remember they will fill outward to. i flick mine at 24 inches aswell, and they finish around 3-3.5 foot,


Ursus marijanus
It would be cool if he checked in with the final stats on stretch, yield etc.
I have two plants in mid-flower. One started 12/12 at 18 inches tall and is now all of 19 inches tall. The other started at about 20 and has reached the dizzying height (to date) of 26 inches. I was sooo hoping for big stretch, but no. cn