How tight to trim?


Well-Known Member
I grow flower but I don’t smoke it (edibles for me). I’d like to know how tightly to trim. This is one where I left I felt a lot of leaves. Do smokers like this or is it too much?
Looks a bit leafy compared to others ive seen


Well-Known Member
I do a hasty rough trim **horizontally** when wet, and come back when dry and cut vertically.

This is fast, and by trimming like a machine; people won't ask if it's homegrown... They will just say "wow it's dense".... You will lose a percent or two of weight; but then you have trim threats ready for edibles, and better looking nugs..... Did I mention this method is fast? It's just a win win.

Horizontal trim wet; vertical trim dry. Just my .02


Well-Known Member
Basically any big leaves that are left on a bud that I don’t want to smoke I’ll peal off as I’m prepping it to smoke.


Well-Known Member
I tried again closer on a few different ones dry. Do the hairs burn too smokey or are they not a bad thing? I didn’t take the visible little stems off yet- those at least I know aren’t wanted
Hairs are fine for smoke, I know some who think the more hairs the better. Your first pic looked fine for a wet "rough trim'. The extra leaf can be a little harsh so the second set of pics looks better for smoking. I'd personally smoke either one but I know some people think the way it looks equates to how strong/good it is but that's not really the case.
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You trim tighter than my lazy self does. I haven't noticed too much harshness of flavor from leaves that actually are dry, and have trichs on them like your picture, but I smoke out of glass. Might taste different with a different prep.


Well-Known Member
If the leaves are coated I try n leave some bc I think it adds to the bag appeal, especially if they have some color to them...personal preference really I suppose...I dont notice a difference in taste from tightly trimmed buds from ones with some coated leaves left on