How to avoid getting caught?


Well-Known Member
Recently in the australian fight to legalize weed for medical use one of the political people was stating that smoking this substance causes cancer and one man pointed out that he was dying from terminal cancer and weed was the only thing that would make him be able to eat and live the rest of his life as normal as possible and she still said to that man no it is bad it causes cancer and it will kill you
That is how fucked up the system is


Well-Known Member
Yeah that is just fucked up. The chemo and shit is so harsh on the body, yet they wont let him smoke weed... You are right man the system does need to change. A lot of people have just been brainwashed into thinking it is a harmful drug and the fact that they don't want to listen to reason is what keeps us in this circle of bs.


Well-Known Member
If I was him I would have stool up and said "I'm just going to continue to get it off the black market you may aswell legalize it to make some profit off the tax, good day ma'am"