How To Break It To My Mom?

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
just tell your mom the truth, your dad and brother are trying to manipulate and take advantage of you. i'm sure she'll take care of the rest. ;)
tell your bro to take the bus.that's supposed to be your money for school stupid.
Ask your brother to loan you 1200 dollars, see what he says. He's gonna say no, then you won't feel bad telling him no.
im with these guys...whne you have money people will try to use you as a bank, these are things you will learn the hard way as you grow up lol


Well-Known Member
Ok so i already mentioned i was getting 2500 in financial aid in about two weeks. well, my brother and i had a long talk today, and im loaning him 1200 bucks so he can get a car. the bank wouldnt give him the loan, but he needs a car really bad.
his old car went out on him, and now he has to take my dad's car to his work, but the thing is my bro works full time so my dad never gets to use his own car.
he and i agreed on a payment schedule of 100 bucks a month until im paid back.

my mom is gonna flip though, idk how to tell her. any ideas? she's gonna be pissed
you will NEVER see your money back.

lending money between friends and family is NEVER a good idea.


Well-Known Member
Ok so i already mentioned i was getting 2500 in financial aid in about two weeks. well, my brother and i had a long talk today, and im loaning him 1200 bucks so he can get a car. the bank wouldnt give him the loan, but he needs a car really bad.
remember when you said this a few days ago?

definitely. 75% is going into the bank so that i dont spend it and i have it for important shit. everything else.... honestly i need new clothes, im wearing stuff i wore as a freshman in high school, mixed in with lots of newer peices over the years, but still, i need a revamp, i need to dress like an adult. definitely getting weed, and some other essentials
how the fuck are you going to buy clothes, weed, books, tuition, etc AND loan your brother $1200?

urca, i swear to fucking god :cuss:


New Member
Nice to see where my tax dollars are going. Buying you weed and your brother a lemon.
HAH what did you expect an 18-25 year old to do with that much money? I think its completely ridiculous to get free money just because you're going to school, specially on tax payer's dime.

What ever happened to eating minute noodles all day and other cheap foods? Urca doesn't need mcdonalds every day, if she wants that I think she should make friends and pool money together and share


Well-Known Member
i kinda already gave him my word, and i do see your point, but this is my twin... i cant leave him high and dry. though.... you do make a valid point
tell him to take out a cash advance on a credit card for fuck sake.

you are not a fucking bank, and you abusing your SCHOOL loans. it is not a bank of urca loan.

jesus fucking christ.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
you will find out why the bank refused to lend him money when the POS car breaks down and the payments stop coming in


Well-Known Member
urca you obviously have book smarts and probably a good head on your shoulders..

but you are dumb as a motherfuck when it comes to street smarts and managing your finances.
you do not have a job, you are going to school on the states dime and you are lucky as shit for it, don't be an idiot with that money.


Well-Known Member
i would never take out a loan in m name for anyone. it's way too much liability. you will robably be paying off these little loans for the next 15 years lol. don't put yourself at risk of more debt than you need for anyone, even your brother. isn't he older? my older bro would never take a penny from me. he has wlays treated me like a princess.


Well-Known Member
i would never take out a loan in m name for anyone. it's way too much liability. you will robably be paying off these little loans for the next 15 years lol. don't put yourself at risk of more debt than you need for anyone, even your brother. isn't he older? my older bro would never take a penny from me. he has wlays treated me like a princess.
the money is all college grants, she doesn't have to pay back anything. she still shouldn't loan it away though.


Well-Known Member
Nice to see where my tax dollars are going. Buying you weed and your brother a lemon.
Amen brother...

Urca, don't abuse the system like so many others already do... use this money to better YOURSELF.

Your brother has made his own decisions and it's not your responsibility to take care of him... as cold as that may sound, he has a job (millions don't) and therefore with a little hardship he can right himself.