How to build a professional grow room. All help appreciated.

First of all welcome to the thread. I'm new to RIU and wanted to get your guys opinion on my new grow area. The area is 9.5ft (w) 5.5ft (l) and 7.5ft (h).

I currently have purchased an IWS 12 Pot Flood and Drain System and will be using this along with hydroton as the growing medium.

I want to have a Mother/Clone Room situated within the flowering room where 2/3 mothers can be kept to produce 16-20 clones every 8 weeks. I have set the dimensions of this room at 3ft (w) 3ft (l) 7.5ft (h) leaving the flowering room a nice size of 6.5ft (w) 5.5ft (l) 7.5ft (h)

I have my own ideas for ventilation, lighting, strains etc but I want some of your opinions.

I want to use the new Lumatek Digital Ballasts and Air Cooled Reflectors.

What would you do with this grow space if budget wasn't really an issue?

Give me some ideas!

Will post pics later.


Active Member
probably go with 2 600w or even 2 1000w hps. couple of cfls bottom up for under lighting. plenty of ventilation, get 10'' plus vent fans, if moneys no object, one coming in on bottom of one side and another going out top of opposite side, could also put some more fans in with a big room like this unless u get big suitable in and out fans so u can just use 1 each . could also get some decent carbon filters if smell will be an issue for you. mylar, white paint or reflective sheeting on the walls for max light.


New Member
welcome i see u been doing some research thats a good start but if u want more advice go ahead and post your ideals on ventilation, lighting, strains and u will get more advice and from people that use similar setups and strains


Well-Known Member
that sounds nice dude, im in my first grow.. long story short got ALOT of equip. from a close friend for Dirt cheap, like a half oz of purple kush cheap lol.. but to comment you need to make sure u have space for those clones to veg before flowering, and as u know ventilation is key becuz of how hot it might get with say HID lights. i use a 1000watt HPS on a light mover to flower, 400watt MH to veg clones, and 1000watt MH to veg the mothers, i have 12 from seed going, 1 big mother and 12 clones potted. everythings doing really well considering im only veg. with the 400watt right now... and thats in only a space of 4ft by 4ft and 7.5ft in height, i also have an extra 3200k spectrum bulb for the 400 if i need extra space to flower, i have lots of options but its an example for HIDs if u decided to go with a 400watt. you can go with LEDs which would save you with the heat and then of course the hydro costs, but im not expert let alone with LEDs. goodluck tho. nice not having a budget


New Member
how long does it take u to get a foot tall from when cut and just between u and me lol i am a newb too
Thanks for the input.

Definitely going HID was thinking 2 x 600w HPS + 1x 400w. 2 x 6" Fans (1 for Mother Room passing through air cooled reflectors and straight out + 1 for room extraction including carbon filter) 1x 6" fan for air intake.

I was going to put rooted clones straight into flower. Correct me if I'm wrong but I will need 2 IWS systems to have vegging and flowering going on at the same time. I want it so that when 12 plants finish flowering there are 12 ready to go straight in. Anyone have experience flowering straight from rooted clones?

Any particular strains you want to recommend with high yields of course!!


New Member
take clones from mother straight to flower then a month later take more and then a month later harvest first batch and start another then a month later harv second batch and so on and so one a harvest every month


Well-Known Member
ya that will work in ur situation but i just figured u have the room and money so i would veg my clones. and it takes about a month if u take them at 5 inches, get them rooted for 2 weeks in the dome and potted, then 4 weeks veg or so. and to recommend a strain, i mean there is millions and i dont have huge experience, but id say "B52" off under "indoors" also is a decent site too, id order from a canadian site if u can spare the extra but these 2 companies have bin good to me so far.


New Member
i vegged my clones for 2 weeks to root then flowered and then took 3 more from flower plants and put into dwc with no veg to root and they did better then then unes i vegged to root so i will do all like that from now on

Thanks for the input.

Definitely going HID was thinking 2 x 600w HPS + 1x 400w. 2 x 6" Fans (1 for Mother Room passing through air cooled reflectors and straight out + 1 for room extraction including carbon filter) 1x 6" fan for air intake.

I was going to put rooted clones straight into flower. Correct me if I'm wrong but I will need 2 IWS systems to have vegging and flowering going on at the same time. I want it so that when 12 plants finish flowering there are 12 ready to go straight in. Anyone have experience flowering straight from rooted clones?

Any particular strains you want to recommend with high yields of course!!

fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
You can fit 4x600W in there. They cover 3x3 each. That's almost 70w per sq.ft. Should grow some serious buds. 10 inch Vortex with a Mountain Air filter should cool it rather nicely.
Don't know much about straight clone to flower.Seems like a waste with only 12 plants. You'll be lucky to get 8oz or so. If you veg 5-6 weeks your looking at closer to 2lb., maybe more. Cut clones the week after you start a flower cycle. If you figure 2 weeks to root, then 5-6 weeks to veg, it makes for a quick turnaround. If you do 6 at a time, you can harvest once a month.
Will keep you all posted. Haven't started the construction yet because I need to be 100% sure how I'm going to get rid of all this heat and how I want to design the room. Looks like all the inner walls are going to have to be insulated due to noise and me living semi-detached!

I paid £500 for 2x400w HPS with bulbs and ballasts (need replacing for Lumatek digitals and 600w coolshades), 2 carbon filters, 2 ruck fans, iws 12 pot system, fan controller and nutrients so was a really good deal.

Haven't got the room for two IWS systems so going to have to veg in there because im going to add more pots and grow 15-20 6ft trees. Thinking 4 weeks veg at least. Anyone growing any trees? Haha how long you vegging them for. I want 6-10 ounce a plant!!

If your gonna do it lets do big and lets do it right!!


Well-Known Member
First of all welcome to the thread. I'm new to RIU and wanted to get your guys opinion on my new grow area. The area is 9.5ft (w) 5.5ft (l) and 7.5ft (h).

I currently have purchased an IWS 12 Pot Flood and Drain System and will be using this along with hydroton as the growing medium.

I want to have a Mother/Clone Room situated within the flowering room where 2/3 mothers can be kept to produce 16-20 clones every 8 weeks. I have set the dimensions of this room at 3ft (w) 3ft (l) 7.5ft (h) leaving the flowering room a nice size of 6.5ft (w) 5.5ft (l) 7.5ft (h)

I have my own ideas for ventilation, lighting, strains etc but I want some of your opinions.

I want to use the new Lumatek Digital Ballasts and Air Cooled Reflectors.

What would you do with this grow space if budget wasn't really an issue?

Give me some ideas!

Will post pics later.
Hey man I'm anything but professional, but sounds like our room dimensions are similar. Look at my journal, I have some pictures of me building my flower room, with the clone/veg room next to it. I used wood framing with panda film..
I like your design 303. Since our budget is in the 000's I would expect the room to be professional but your's looks really good and has given me some food for thought. Your frames are going to be exactly the same as mine but the room I have to build needs to be insulated due to noise and everything not only has to be lightproof but air tight so that the room can be fully climate controlled. I have my work cut out!!

Any ideas on what thickness and type of wood I should use? 8mm Ply?
Dayum man your going to have some serious buds on your hand, But also have you thought about your eletric bill? Having all that stuff will attract attention..
Water cooled lights, as bright as the sun (or as close as possible). I'd have the ceiling buckling from the weight of the 1000 watters. I'd use LEDs around the perimeter along with a scattering of 6500k CFLs. Air conditioning to keep the room extra cool. A water conditioning system like reverse osmosis. A complete storage area for all the crap - pots, nutrients, soil (for some), etc. Its all about the light given all other things are equal...I've seen yields triple with a doubling of the usable light. That's a good size space, the height makes a huge difference in controlling heat - obviously. Take advantage of the room to handle ventilation and temperatures - since you probably don't have an unlimited budget :)
If I could, my perfect room would be split (3/4, 1/4) into two floors separated by thick water clear pyrex glass, the top would have the lights and the bottom the plants. The top is completely sealed from the plants and is ventilated separately. Under this configuration your could drown the plants in light and not have to worry about temperatures = how about 1000 watts for every 2-3 sqft? Nice.
In reality, you should use 600s as they are the most efficient HID light in terms of lumen/watt - use Son Agro or similar bulbs - big difference!
Flowering straight from rooted clones is fine, you get one little cola. I prefer growing them out a bit first AND including a fair amount of blue spectrum in the flowering room (Son Agro bulbs) to help with the stretch. Unless you are looking to sell (and even then) it is generally better to grow the plants out a couple weeks beyond rooting.
Good luck with the room. Lemme know if you go with the pyrex idea :)
If you want 6-10 ounces a plant you better think about vegging for a while... that\'s a big order indoors.
Will keep you all posted. Haven\'t started the construction yet because I need to be 100% sure how I\'m going to get rid of all this heat and how I want to design the room. Looks like all the inner walls are going to have to be insulated due to noise and me living semi-detached!

I paid £500 for 2x400w HPS with bulbs and ballasts (need replacing for Lumatek digitals and 600w coolshades), 2 carbon filters, 2 ruck fans, iws 12 pot system, fan controller and nutrients so was a really good deal.

Haven\'t got the room for two IWS systems so going to have to veg in there because im going to add more pots and grow 15-20 6ft trees. Thinking 4 weeks veg at least. Anyone growing any trees? Haha how long you vegging them for. I want 6-10 ounce a plant!!

If your gonna do it lets do big and lets do it right!!