How to build an Aeroponic tote

Like I said it may take a little longer to root but its normally only a couple more days if it takes longer than a week . Max for me to root clones is about 11 or 12 day's but its is normally right around the 9 day if it takes longer than 7 day's .

Remember with trying something that you have not ever done it takes time and practice to get it right .

I took some CB clones on 7/05/10 and they rooted on 7/14/10 so 9 days.

If you had some pics it would help .

What nutes are you using and what is your PH at ?

Also are you using net pots and if so what do you have in the net pots for medium ?
Im just using tap water but I let it sit for a couple days. My ph is in between 5.6 and 6.0. Im using rooter plugs because I had alot left IDK what to do hopefully they come up soon ( Remember with trying something that you have not ever done it takes time and practice to get it right .) Yeah your right bout that. Im like, do I have a green thumb? Can I do this. I hope so I've been trying to clone for about 2 months and nothing except ONE BATCH!. (which im thankful for and my first time)If I had my cloning right I would be a perpetual grower now. I would of have madd harvest on its way now SHIT SUCKS!!! I'll get it . My difeculty is maintaing them after cutting. Well we will see.
Don't give up it takes time ! You need to use some nutes it will help !! What nutes do you use for your other plants ? If you want I will send you a link to the nutes I use, its cheap but not organic but it dose the job right now ! Its a 3 part 2 for veg + 1 for flower .
($20 + shipping - $60 + shipping ) That's for all 3 parts .
I got dutch masters nutes. its pretty good no problems what that, but I have a lil bit of flower nutes to the side that I was going to put in when I see there roots coming but should I do it now? Or from the beginning or towards the end? After I cut them at 45 dg angle I just put into rooter plugs with them stems sticking out with the water spraying at them, on 1hr on 1/2hr off.
Split the stem just cut the stem a little bit not much the length ( not the whole stem) . Try doing this 30 min ON 1hr OFF ! An no do not give them flower nutes right now , you need to let them get some roots going , But the do need more than just water . What I use is a 3 part nutes so when I root them I use the Micro and the grow (1/4 -1/2 strength), the same thing I use when I veg but veg gets 1/2 strength for the first week or two then they get Full strength . When I start rooting is when I start giving them nutes !
Nah man :( I'm stressing a lil bit now, but they still look a lil good. Hey I put a lil bit of my nutes in the resv should I put it back to ph water?
You need to keep the PH in check even with the nutes in the water ! You did not put flower nutes in did you ? An did you put 1/4 -1/2 strength nutes in ?

You need nutes in the water to help them root !

I will send you a PM with a link to a place that sells the nutes I use they are cheap but work great .
Hey bro whats goin on? I fuckin dis located my arm and had to go to the hospital, then they almost killed me they gave me to much of that stuff that puts you to sleep and I had a hard time waking up (Crazy that stuff that killed Michael Jackson), so my heart was going tooo slow so I had to stay overnight until it got better. But I just looked at the clones and I got 1 so far a lemon shunk :) 1 out of 9 I put freash water in a coulpe days b4 I left and I notice they look happy then I came today and 1 rooted but they all look like they grew so hopefully. Thanks bro on that pm messg Im def looking into getting those nutes and doing it step by step. :)
Dame that sucks sorry to hear that , but at lest you have one clone that rooted that you can veg then flower to get you some meds not that they will be done in time to help but you will have some buds .
Yeah I got some root clone called "vita grow" cloneing compond. I didnt get the flora series my dutch masters is doing good with my moms right now. Hey how many times should I water my moms? I transfer them to aeroponics now. I would assume more watering since its not soaking in any mediem just hydroton and rooter plug.
hey my moms are drooping bad, I feed them 45min on and 45min off I think the water pump is not strong enough cuz the sprinkler isn't shotting out good or they suck do you have to have a good water pump?
What kind of water pump did you get ? Make sure you have the water all the way over the pump . I would do the 30 min on 1 hr off or 30 min on 30 min off .
Yeah I went to the hydro store and thats what the guy said its the water pump. I figure that was it. Dame man only 2 clones out of 9 I fuckin suck. And I know you saying the same thing. Man I got to get this shit down ASAP. What im gonna do this time is im going to shave a lil off the stem where the nod is and then put rooting gel over the stem then put the vita grow in the resivor and use neoprone, hey can I make my own of that stuff? them fuckers charge 50c for one of em (One neoprene piece not a sheet) and I need like 2 sheets at a time. So what you think I did wrong this time? And what I said Im doing now is that ok?
OK on the neoprene look on eBay ! I don't know what you did wrong. But I think the Vita grow (if its the clone gel ) is just to dip them in not to put in the water ,but I don't know read the back of it . Can you put any pics up it would make it a little easyer to help you.