[How To]: Butane Honey Hash Oil (Videos and Pictures)

You can have your thread bro, and be the God of BHO (in your own mind)... I'm out. Good luck to anyone stopping in this thread, you will probably need it.

This isn't my thread, and I'm not the god of oil.... thats Benassi!

& when you are a god of your practice like benassi, you can make a popular thread and ill come in and YELL at anyone who is being off topic

I'm mean, but not as bad as some of the people here :)
Hi Benassi, I have just been handed a LINK to your thread via Sr.Verde.. I am much wanting to make some BHO/Oil, and hope to gain some very useful as well as interesting information from your thread :) I will be reading all posts on this thread later this afternoon and hope to get started not long after :) +REP! for a very helpful thread, cheers - STELTHY :leaf:
just a heads up : I haven't seen benassi around in a while... none the less there is some great information, and replies/questions about the information following the initial posts.. then some other discussions of other techniques / tricks.

happy dabbing... your on the right path... about to take a dab before i doze ...
freakin sweet dude , dude freakin sweet

i just found this thread today because i tried my hand at making it with my sugar leaves from an la confidential and after i made it i realized i had no idea how to smoke , but now i do thanks op and plus rep