How to clone? Helpz!

Hey guys,

Thanks for all your continued help and support, Great website and great members here, Great to be aboard.

Received my 20 Rockwool cubes and rooting gel today, Super excited!
Unfortunately after reading and viewing videos I’m still confused on cutting clones! Since this is my first grow/ clone cutting I want to make sure I don’t kill my girls.

So my question is how do I clone? Is clones branches off the main stem? They seem very large to cut than what I’ve seen on the videos.

Thanks heaps guys

Chip Green

Well-Known Member
You're going to have to just go for it!!!
Take a lower branch, start with one....when you get one rooted, take some more!!!
Unless you loose your noodle, and completely strip the "mother" plant bare, taking cuttings will not cause harm....
Using a tray with a dome? Keep it foggy!


Well-Known Member
Pro tip. Lots of vids show how you must prune the cuttings to lessen leaf surface area.... Prune the branch before taking the cutting. The instant the cutting is taken dipe n stick in your cube. Make sure the cuttings stay moist but dont have any watter sitting on the bottom of the tray. Misty dome is good, not so humid that large drops form and drip or run down the dome. You dont want the babbies to catch pm.