how to clone????????


Active Member

i want to clone this beautiful 38 day old lady..... she has a pre-flower in almost every node! beautiful little calyxes!

i was thinking of mothering this one but im going clone her so i dont have to wait to smoke her! lol.... question is, ive never cloned before..

i have a big jar of rootech cloning gel from technaflora and lots of starter RW cubes.. i want to cut a good amount to ensure that i can end up with a good selection of clones and choose the best one to mother.

1) so. what part of the plant is the best to cut for cloning?

2) how effective is the RW gel method as opposed to an aeroponic cloner? (im kinda broke atm)

3) how long would it take for clones to root in a RW cube?

4) is there a good success rate cloning in RW cubes?

thanks in advance!



Well-Known Member
1: The lower the branches the better for cloning

2: Ive used it before and its good if you keep em wet

3: At least a week 2 if not in best conditions. a few days more for those to really grow its roots big

4: It all depends on the other factors: climate, heat, moisture, strain.

id recommend getting a nursery flat/humidity dome with a heating mat and some perlite.

ive had 100% clone success for about 50+ clones using this.

best of luck!


i would use root starter plugs instead of rockwool, night and day with success of the clone taking root or not. Use a sterile razor blade and cut at a 45 degree angle, dip in gel, and insert into grow plug. Here's a pic where to cut View attachment 2409730


Well-Known Member
yes i use rapid rooters and my success has been 100% since switching.

also you can cut your stem in half and itll give it more surface area for rooting gel


Active Member
yes i use rapid rooters and my success has been 100% since switching.

also you can cut your stem in half and itll give it more surface area for rooting gel
where should i cut the branch.... the lower branches on this plant are just as tall and almost as thick as the main stem (about 17 inches), will the branch grow back no matter where it was cut? , im trying to also yield as much from the mother as i can also!


Well-Known Member
Yaknow, I've cut a piece off, dropped it in the soil, kept it wet and it rooted in a week or so. Sometimes you over think these things. Look at how easy it happens in nature for a limb to fall and stick itself in the muddy ground. Let it set for a few days then it starts life all of its own. This is a weed we're talking about, and most weeds are hard to kill regardless of how much we do to them. Otherwise there wouldn't be poisons on the market to specifically kill certain weeds and ivys.


Well-Known Member
also most of the branches in this plant are thick as fuck... does that make a difference in the rooting?
Yes it does the bigger the clone the fatter the stem ,the more chance of success, in fact a big fat clone doesnt even droop throughout the process due to water it has in it even without a dome. Dont overwater the cube only 50% wet max at its wettest.Have heat mats ,the rootzone s/b about 80-90. Keep the cloning area at about 80 dont let it get cooler and leave cfl on 24/7.


Active Member
Yes it does the bigger the clone the fatter the stem ,the more chance of success, in fact a big fat clone doesnt even droop throughout the process due to water it has in it even without a dome. Dont overwater the cube only 50% wet max at its wettest.Have heat mats ,the rootzone s/b about 80-90. Keep the cloning area at about 80 dont let it get cooler and leave cfl on 24/7.
very helpful man thanks!