How to cope with boredom?


Well-Known Member
buy a junk car and refuse to pay 80 hr for some one to fix it... dont worry about money for parts, it will wait until a day before u get money to break down. Then learn to fix it yourself. And all the money you save in labor, you can get way better parts.....

oh and spray paint... you gonna need lots of cheap spray paint.....

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
have you ever tried masterbation ? its fantastic , i usually thrash one off about 3 times a day , its a great hobby and best of all , its free . :mrgreen:


Ursus marijanus
Considering how many people have suggested masturbation, this thread has become a haven for ... handymen. cn


Well-Known Member
You shouldn't ever feel bored, if you are feeling bored - get productive. Build something or fix something, organize something or clean something. There is no excuse for boredom...

Its when you don't have any spare time at all, that shit starts to really suck.