How to cure cotton mouth???


New Member
ah man ive tried that but i get soo thisrty and if i chew gum it starts to get all dry and shit or is it that im high and it messes wit my mouth telling my brain its dry?


Well-Known Member
Water is the cure. Drink plenty. Juice & Soda will only provide temporary relief.


New Member
You need something that is flavorful but not too sugary .. Like flavored water or just regular water is the best actually .. Suckkle on candy .. Jolly ranchers work the best.

what uup

Active Member
I wish some chemical engineer would invent "Visine for your tongue" - 1 drop and no more cottonmouth!

It doesn't seem that far out does it? Now we just need to find a stoner thats capable...


Active Member
It doesn't sound like the most appealing thing but the stuff they use for braces or canker sores that numbs your gums works. It creates extra saliva that you would normally drool out if your mouth wasn't so dry.


Well-Known Member
ya ive noticed brushing my teeth just makes it worse or doesnt do anything..definetly just drink water..or hit up the gum..or hit it up both at the same time.