how to cure properly?


Well-Known Member
So I have quite a bit of time into two plants and want them cured right any suggestion. I have shoulderless mason jars n my harvest from my one plant is hung up to dry. But how to cure correctly n remove the hay smell... Plz enlighten me....


Well-Known Member

"a perfect cure every time"

i love this one. i used to never measure relative humidity of my jars, but after reading this post i picked up a hygrometer on amazon for 30$ or something. this is a useful tool to be accurate with curing. even though i found out when i liked my buds cured, was right in the cure zone! that was cool.

i hang buds until they feel dry on the outside, but are not so dry that the stem snaps, usually around 4-5 days to get to this point. i then cut them all off the stems and let them sit out on my drying screen for ~12 hours. at that point they go in half gallon mason jars, about 3/4 of the way full, LOOSELY. the hygrometer goes in the jar too. for the first week or so it's 12 hours in the jars, and then take out all the bud, and spread it back out for 4 hours. then put it back in the jar and repeat this process until you are getting a reading around 65%. Then you leave them in the jars for 24-48 hours, and only take them out for like 2 hours if the reading goes above 65%. target range is 55-65% relative humidity IN THE JAR.

remember if your room humidity is higher than the humidity in your jar, you are better off just leaving the buds in the jar and "burping" or opening the lid to let some moisture out, and close it back up. your bud will absorb moisture from the humidity in the room if the room humidity is greater than the content of your jar.

good luck!