How to deal with bundling, long or brown roots?


New Member
In soil, roots grow in different directions. In aeroponics however, roots only grow downwards, and they tend to bundle, presumably because roots are wet, and wet things stick together. Both of my new plants in veg experience the problem.

On the surface(literally), the plants seem perfectly healthy, judging from the color of the leaves, although the plants I think is growing quite slowly. The two plants are 8.6 inches tall, under 100w of LED, 1000ppm nutes. They each grew only one set of 1.5 inch long leaves in 5 days at the top. Is this slow?

The roots, on the other hand, look much unhealthier.
1.The top of the roots is slightly brown, ever since I switched from tap water to nutes; I think it is due to the presence of algae; the tank is very slippery on the inside. I had to put H2O2 in the reservoir, whose temperature is 65 F.
2.The roots also bundle as they grow; dozens of roots stick together, as large as a plastic straw. I am not sure about the implication. Does bundling roots undermine nutrition uptake or promote root rot?
3.The roots grow too long. At 1 ft, the roots nearly reach the bottom of the tank, which is full of used nutes. Should I cut the roots myself?


Well-Known Member
Trim your roots back... they will make new ones... just dont murder the plant and cut alot off.