How to delete posts in my thread?


Well-Known Member
I have a thread where a few people tried to bash it and its kind of a journal, I need to delete some posts from some trolls any help? Thanks.


Staff member
well just depends if you find something offensive click report post and it will be reviewed you can also drop me a link and ill check it out, if they are truly offensive posts they will be removed. if you just dont want that person posting in your thread and they are doing no wrong it wont be removed

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member

  • "I dont need no help I think I can get them all the way to harvest just fine."

    statements like this will not make friends​



Staff member
You don't know what your talking about, my plants do not fall over, they get tied down. Say some more stupid shit.
are you just gunna argue or you actually going to read my post which is the only one able to help with your issue?

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
He said in his other thread he doesn't need help. He wants to delete posts from his other post because everyone told him his plants are TINY. ( I know you are preoccupied with my dick but it is not for you )