how to determine plant sex?

Im new to growing, and i planted a couple plants in the woods close to my house, they are about a foot tall and the one plant is already producing a smell and the other one is not, they are both the same hight and they both been in the grown for the some amount of time. could the one not producing any smell be a male plant?
Im new to growing, and i planted a couple plants in the woods close to my house, they are about a foot tall and the one plant is already producing a smell and the other one is not, they are both the same hight and they both been in the grown for the some amount of time. could the one not producing any smell be a male plant?
There is a wonderful section known as the newbie section. And in this section there is a great AAQ's section put together by some of the brightest growers on this forum. I suggest you take a look at it before you get to much into posting.

Here is a link. Oh, and by the way. It's number 1 on the list.


Well-Known Member
females get covered in white/pale green hairs..............males get balls.

He means before preflowering. Plants of the same strain that grow taller ect...