How to disguise marijuana CHEAPLY and SUCCESSFULLY

Dub Grow

Active Member
It doesn't matter where i put my plants, im always paranoid about people coming across my crops, what can i buy that is cheap and successful in disguising marijuana in a forested area? (if fake flowers..WHICH kind of fake flowers and so onn)


Well-Known Member
my friend says he grows morning glories next to the weed plants. They wrap around the weed plants and have nice flowers.
He said it doesnt hurt the weed plants. Good luck


Well-Known Member
my friend says he grows morning glories next to the weed plants. They wrap around the weed plants and have nice flowers.
He said it doesnt hurt the weed plants. Good luck
This would work fantastic if you're in an area that has them wild~ If not, it would make things worse :P


Well-Known Member
Be careful with the morning glories, they will strangle the plants as well as completely block them from the sun. MJ will be camoed well but the M G grow so fast that you will need to trim it at least once a week. I have a few in the M G and I check them daily and always find vines wrapping around the stalks.


Well-Known Member
well there is another thing you can do but it will take a bit of work. You can tie down your plants slowly about the 8th node or so. and what you do is stake some string to the ground holding the plant at an angle, be carefull at first so you dont break the stem. the first bend needs to take a while. but once thats down you can keep tying it down every week to make up for the new growth and thus your plant will grow like vines along the ground. but make sure you dont tie them down where it holds water, you dont want them to rot in water. its not a great disguise but it makes things less noticable so that way your plants dont stand up like a morning wood. hope all works out for you mate

grow space

Well-Known Member
you can plant diffrent plants around your plot-be shure that they are thick and at least same hight with the plant(to big is bad,less sunlight).
keep up the good work.


It doesn't matter where i put my plants, im always paranoid about people coming across my crops, what can i buy that is cheap and successful in disguising marijuana in a forested area? (if fake flowers..WHICH kind of fake flowers and so onn)
defiantly get the daffodils for their disguising abilities.


Well-Known Member
dude, your best bet to not letting your plants get found is to find a feild, lets say for farming. Farmers preserve their lands sometimes for years at a time and when they do the field grows up into a hunge tall grass jungle full of tics and animals that most people dont want to be around. plus the fields get so thick that no one would bother to walk through it unless they had a very good reason too. so get booted up with bug spray and find a good field like the one i described. or grow indoors


Well-Known Member
this is a problem that i think needs some more thought and a lot more solutions. these are good ideas, but let's really put our heads together and find a way to grow this stuff right out in the open and disguise it from the average person. is there a way?


Yo u wannt a good grow site, it aint gona fall into ur hands easily. You gotta find a neck of the woods no1 goes too. Youll kno whenu find it, they'll be no wide trails, no garbage, no trampled grass , and u want lots of thorn bushes. Put on ur thickest clothing so u walk through the thorns, grab ur sharpest knife so u can make a small trail. AND GO TEACH THE MEANEST PART OF THE WOODS WHOS BOSS. I got extremely lucky, a good 150 yards in, alot of cuts, and crawling, i found this small fenced off old factory, when i finally pryed the vine covered gate open, i nearly died.. 200 or so ft of wide open space! gets direct sunlight from 8am till 530, 6 pm. . nearly 12 hours of pure, unshaded sunlight! I will be growin some monsters bak here for years to come. Anything less would be a spit in the face to the Ganja Gods. i been scouting the area an nvr see any1 come near! nd its alrdy fenced off so no wildlife probelms . you will need chiclen wire fencing set up around ur ladies. but yea man get out there!!

Brick Top

New Member
If growing outdoors or out in the wild and you want to conceal your plants using other plants you have to pick/find local plants natural to that area to use. If not it will just draw more attention to your crop.

Over the years the plant I have seen most recommended to conceal plants is the sunflower. Tall, thin, long leaves, big flowers. Well that’s great unless in the middle of no where in a clearing there is a patch of sunflowers and there are none other for 50 or more miles unless in someone’s lawn/garden. If someone see them from the ground or from the air they are somewhat likely to think, that’s odd .. why are there a bunch of sunflowers there and none elsewhere?

Use the best you can that can be found naturally growing in the area or don’t bother to use anything and take your chances because the wrong choice will increase the odds of a plot being spotted.

If someone is talking about growing in their vegetable garden or flower garden or maybe at the back of a large lot that does not adjoin property were people almost ever if ever go and they just want to keep their plants from standing out like a sore thumb one thing I have done, but is a pain in the butt to do, is to continually bend and root your main-stem and even larger branches to the ground and force the plant to grow something like a cross between ground-cover and a long possibly twisting low bush.

It will always vary from strain to strain and also some on conditions so I will totally make up numbers to use in an example so please no one try to exactly duplicate the following and then later tell me how they snapped off a plant.

But here it goes: You pick some area with other plants, vegetables or ornamentals, that are not real tall so they would not block the light. You start a plant among/ in between them and then when it reaches maybe 11 or 12 inches you bend it over and at around 8 inches up the stem you dig a narrow shallow trench dug in the ground. You remove any leaves for about an inch or so scrape/slightly score the stem and apply rooting power/formula. You place the section of stem into the narrow shallow trench, use something like a piece of standard house wiring, thinner gauge, and you cut a piece or two and bend it into a ‘U’’ shape and push it down over the stem so it, or they, hold the stem in position until roots push out and hold, and then cover and mound with a little soil over the top. You have several inches of plant left sticking out of the soil after the area you buried the short section. Allow to grow, repeat bending/rooting. (using whatever height/distance that works best for you)

Each site you do that the plant will root and that holds the plant down and also increases root-mass which means increased access to more moisture and nutrients ..... so that’s not all that bad.

You keep repeating that at least through vegging and even if felt needed a bit into early flower, stopping before things start to really get going. The plant stem is sort of like a series of arches and branches and most of the bud will grow up from a general height level and then at the end you might have one taller piece that grows after the point where you really cannot bend and root again without losing more than you might be willing to lose to keep things low. You have to decide that point on your own. Depending on location it might never be a problem and in another it might be what kills the plan.

For longer branches that might want to get tall you can do the same as with the main-stem and direct them here and there.

I guess is I were to attempt to compare it to something it might be like SCROG minus the screen and having a freeflowing ability to change directions as wanted or needed. It keeps most of the vegetation lower to the ground and like in a SCROG the bud formation is more like a series of small colas in appearance rather than how bud normally form on plants that grow in a normal upward way.

It will never keep anyone who knows what an herb plant looks like from spotting it if they look at it. The best it can do is help create a situation where is done right and used in a good location it reduces the chances that people will ever notice the plants in the first place let alone identify them.

That of course means you do not attempt this in the flower gardens on either side of your front door or along the road out front. It would not be smart to attempt in an area that might seldom if ever have people close to it but is in clear sight by some nosy neighbor with binoculars who might see you doing your extensive gardening in what seems an odd location … so one day they decide to take a piece.

You have to have places to use where it will work or the idea is worthless to you. If you would decide you wanted to try it most likely there would not be as many places available to you as you would hope but maybe one or two more than you might expect if you think things through well. Now it is a pain to do, especially if someone is not much into the actual gardening part of growing, and also if someone has more than just a few plants … but it can be done if someone just wants to or needs to try something and that sounds good to them.

It is rather unusual and it is far from being practical if there are any better options available. Now and then though it can come in handy for someone.

Brick Top

New Member
As long winded and over detailed as the bend & root thing was I felt I should add a bit.

Unless you live in an area with a long growing season and you would want to use as much of it as you can or are growing something famous for being redwoods in any area it is grown in, the bend & root way of stealth growing isn’t all that much good to all that many people.

If you have a short growing season and you are growing short plants you might only be able to bend and root once or twice, maybe three times if the distances between each rooting was kept very close, and while in some cases it might be enough in most cases it wouldn’t be. If it is a case of a long growing season and or tall to very tall strains it could be handy. If not unless someone just wanted to play some, I would not suggest anyone getting all that excited over the idea because it might not be for them.

Another thing I intended to add was how I said after the final bending and rooting you can end up with one largish portion of plant. Well you can at that point top it and that will keep it shorter and spread it out, both only so much, but it will continue to break up the normally recognizable shape of the plant(s) as much as possible for as long as possible and keeping them as low as possible. Just breaking up the normally recognizable shape means it will blend in somewhat better in almost any surroundings and if you can do that and keep much of it low and partially obscured from easy or likely sight you might be in like Flynn.

Now it is not a miracle and it does not make anything invisible. Sometimes though it is just enough and sometimes just enough is pretty darn good when compared to all other options available.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
this is a problem that i think needs some more thought and a lot more solutions. these are good ideas, but let's really put our heads together and find a way to grow this stuff right out in the open and disguise it from the average person. is there a way?
how about a hat and sunglasses maybe a false mustache?


Active Member
There simples rules, that are effective. Planting your marijuana in a nature like pattern. Hiding all soil, fertilizer, etc. Also, whenever you do something, ask yourself is this how nature would do it? This guy is a master at these things, the website you should visit on more info is,


Well-Known Member
I also do fake sun flowers cause the only thing green around here in mid summer is sunflowers an Yucca cacti.
I use toping to make about 8 tops an keep em short an super crop em. They CANNOT be alowed to get tall where i live.
I use a rabbit cage about 3 ft tall that i weave dead weeds into it an stake it in the ground for camo.
I also am assembeling an army of clones to go into the corn fields.

My video journal link below has some footage of The camo.
:peace:Best camo is the natural enviroment pick spots off the beaten path where no thief because they are lazy and dont have the cohones to grow themselves or curly tailed wonder you know who i'm giving refference to wouldn't dream of there being anything. needless to say hands and knees through the bottom of a thorn bush it's gonna suck but the pay off from natural and non natural predators is well worth the hassle:peace: