how to distinguish male and female?


going to start growing, how can u distinguish male or female? i have an idea but not entierly sure.


Well-Known Member
Give it about 2 weeks into the flowering stage and you will be able to tell. Forget about all the sexing it when it's an inch tall stuff. Look at the grow faq and look at the pics, read thru the threads asking the same question. Then when your plant decides to show itself you will know. It's not something hard just something that causes a lot of worry and impatience. You should also be growing a couple plants so they don't all turn out male, that will help even more as you can tell by looking at the different plants. If you grow 3 you should at least get one female.


Give it about 2 weeks into the flowering stage and you will be able to tell. Forget about all the sexing it when it's an inch tall stuff. Look at the grow faq and look at the pics, read thru the threads asking the same question. Then when your plant decides to show itself you will know. It's not something hard just something that causes a lot of worry and impatience. You should also be growing a couple plants so they don't all turn out male, that will help even more as you can tell by looking at the different plants. If you grow 3 you should at least get one female.
ok is this true if u see the white hairs it is female and if u see little balls it is the pollen and is a male?