how to end a bad trip?


Active Member
true it is up to you to make your trip good. Just stay in positive thoughts. Also marijuana always helped relax me and take away any stomach nausea from the shrooms.


Well-Known Member
if u take shrooms thinkin ur gonna go in a bad trip drinkin for me got me more fucked up the walls were meltin turnin in side out affects was happenin sick hahahaha how to make it go away i dont kno ride it out try and fall asleep drink ur self asleep have fun


Well-Known Member
I'm going to be taking shrooms for the first time on Friday, and i'm a little anxious that i may have a bad trip. i've heard that drinking alcohol while on shrooms can bring you this true? does anybody have any other, better suggestions on how to come down if a bad trip does indeed happen? thanks!

Then DON'T do shrooms.


Well-Known Member
Then DON'T do shrooms.
I disagree. I was anxious my first time. As long as youre not freaking out about it- sweaty palms, intense heartbeat, then you should be fine. Its normal to be a little nervous. Psyching yourself out is what makes it bad, and for a first trip, they key is a stable mindset and a dose that the person CAN HANDLE. The worst thing to do for someone who's never tripped is hand them an eighth of boomers. Half an eighth is the most i'd recommend for a first timer, especially one who's a little anxious about it.


Well-Known Member
I have heard that taking Niacin, vitamin supplement, will bring you out of a trip. Just be careful not to overdo the Niacin or you'll get what they call a "Niacin Flush". Won't hurt you, just make you feel hot and all flush. One last, and most important point about shrooms or acid. If you are already bugging out about eating them, chances are you're gonna BUG THE FUCK OUT when you do eat them. You should be in a really good mental state when you do them or you stand a good chance of fuckin' yourself up.


Well-Known Member
just dont do a lot the first time, you'll see that you had fun, and then the next time you can up the dosage and really experience it. just dont take em if youve been depressed or feeling blue for the past few days. people give these warnings because its better to know that a bad trip can happen if you arent in the right mood vs. no one telling you and then you have a horrible trip cause your mindset was fucked in the first place.


Well-Known Member
Lol if you have been tripping long enough you will learn to just go to sleep land when you need to.


Active Member
milk works! trust me! i was freaking out so badd my 1st time and i called my frend and he made me drink milk. and within 20 minutes it was over.


Well-Known Member
warm milk
finding nemo

dont know if it was said yet.. but i would plan on having a "safe place" to go just in case you need a few... enjoy!