How to excel in a society I don't believe in


Active Member
keep in mind that, ANYONE, CAN DO ANYTHING THAT THEY WANT TO. You can be great at ANY FUCKING THING. as long as you put your heart and soul into it of course. thats the catch. now this should open a lot of doors for ya. now decide what you want in life. YOU CAN HAVE ANY FUCKING THING YOU WANT, but you may have to put your heart and soul into aquiring what you want. example...traveling the world. winning back that special girl. making people happy is a big one. thats personally what makes my life a little more worth living. cuz lifes a bitch. i hate people with "Life is Good" brand anything. they are all fags. life is a big bitch that your tryin to fuck but she's buckin wild like an enraged bull and you gotta just man handle that bitch ya know what i mean and twist and conform these illusions of the world into what you want to get out of them. im so high and none of this makes sense, or is true. do not pay attention to me.


Well-Known Member

Don't listen to all these people telling you give into the system. I say stick to your guns and do what you believe is right, but never be so ignorant as to think you know everything. Constantly educate yourself and experience new things, rewriting your beliefs as you go along.

Are you extremely passionate about anything? Maybe we can help set you on a course....You don't know? Don't worry there is a very long life ahead of you to figure it out. Pursue your education whether it be in college or on your own. Experience new things....Travel. Go to a "4th world" nation and see how it makes you feel. Go to the Hamptons and see how it makes you feel. Our beliefs should constantly be changing because that means we are constantly deciding for ourselves what is right or wrong; Not being a "sheeple" as you may say.

I am not old and wise and am still on my journey discovering what it is I truly enjoy, but every wrinkly old person (w/wrinkles comes wisdom :P) tells me it just kind of happens. It could take many many years, but it will eventually just happen. I figure the more you learn and experience, the faster it will happen.

That is great advice +Rep

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
That is great advice +Rep
thumbs down on that advice
working a job is not " giveing in to the system" its called being a productive part of the system
one of the main reason why the system is so fucked up is because we have so many people trying to ride the system instead of contribute to it
it sicken me the way some people think
i sorry, but you just have to carry your own wait
i dont want this guy or anyone living off my sweat
then here it is i pay taxes to help you live free then you have the nerve to beg me for loose change what type of shit is that

you dont work you dont eat
i could understand if work was unavailable but these kid dont even want to look , they could care less if there was work or not they just dont wont to do anything - that is unexceptable


Accepting these things as true, how do I get by? I'm struggling finding the motivation to do well in one of the more traditional majors in college because I genuinely don't believe in the work most of the companies I could interview for will be doing. What's more, I know I will hate the day-to-day. I don't want to be one of these guys who just settles and hates his entire working life, while going home knowing that he compromised his values all day long.
If I'm hearing you correctly, you are saying that you are willing to work, but have a problem with the ethics of the private sector.
I would suggest that when you graduate you look for volunteer opportunites that will allow you to gain some real life experience.
Join the Peace Corps or some other organization thet will let you travel. Once you see how life is in other societies you may not be so unhappy with ours.
In the mean time, you may want to stop intellectualizing the issue. An education does not make a man better, experience does.

Confidential Herb

Active Member
Robert, I have first hand experience on what you are going through. I mean, if you want to be an account then go for it but I can tell you one thing right now...

My father runs one of the largest and most successful accounting firms on the pacific coast. He is a certified public accountant and is miserable.. I can honestly tell everyday he comes from work, he just looks like he has nothing to live for on his own, he just keeps working to support his family.

He isn't too wealthy.. But he has enough money to purchase anything he desires. I mean he's talking about just quitting and moving to the South of France and living his life, which I encourage him to do, he has worked his ass off through college, and built this business into something greater then you could imagine, he majored in tax, and he also majored in business administration and accounting I believe.

Basically, what I'm trying to get through to you is enjoy what you do, no matter the payment.. It will keep you motivated, and you know one day you can turn it into bigger and better things. Don't waste your life doing something you don't love.

My two cents.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
Robert, I have first hand experience on what you are going through. I mean, if you want to be an account then go for it but I can tell you one thing right now...

My father runs one of the largest and most successful accounting firms on the pacific coast. He is a certified public accountant and is miserable.. I can honestly tell everyday he comes from work, he just looks like he has nothing to live for on his own, he just keeps working to support his family.

He isn't too wealthy.. But he has enough money to purchase anything he desires. I mean he's talking about just quitting and moving to the South of France and living his life, which I encourage him to do, he has worked his ass off through college, and built this business into something greater then you could imagine, he majored in tax, and he also majored in business administration and accounting I believe.

Basically, what I'm trying to get through to you is enjoy what you do, no matter the payment.. It will keep you motivated, and you know one day you can turn it into bigger and better things. Don't waste your life doing something you don't love.

My two cents.
i kinda feel what you are saying
but as far as your old man is concerned i'm sure its more to his life story then one paragaph - your pops is a self made man , now thats someone to admire- life is stressfull, who knows what really has the old man beat up after a long days work - you say hes at the top of his game, right. the old man could be looking over his shoulder from some shit he did at the start of his life, hell he could have another family , but what ever it is, as a man yourself you know shit is ruff out there when everyone depends on you for everything , and no matter what comes up have the old mans back, no matter what. your old man is the shit

and you are 100% right about not doing something you dont love no matter how much it paid
but you have to do something
siting on your ass is not an option

Confidential Herb

Active Member
I agree completely, but there are many alternatives of sitting on your ass, that you love.
Or something you can learn to love.

Really appreciated your feedback on the matter, about to go have a nice dinner with the old man.
Enjoy your evening.


Active Member
so many big heads, have any of you killed cleaned and eaten an animal? spent a few weeks in the bush? give it a try you might learn about human nature.


Well-Known Member
i pay taxes to help you live free then you have the nerve to beg me for loose change what type of shit is that
Wow! That is a freaking luge track!

what r u talking bout
Luge track = Slippery Slope!

The guy wants an alternative to the broken system...(the protestant work ethic was created by feudal land lords and designed to enslave body and mind in the name of a Unicorn...I mean Leprechaun...dammit...I mean god)...and suddenly he is flying a sign saying he will work for food and asking you for spare change...and I was just wondering...what type of shit is that???????

And you do not pay taxes to help him live pay them because you will go to jail if you make enough and don't...just ask Willie!


That 5hit

Well-Known Member
Luge track = Slippery Slope!

The guy wants an alternative to the broken system...(the protestant work ethic was created by feudal land lords and designed to enslave body and mind in the name of a Unicorn...I mean Leprechaun...dammit...I mean god)...and suddenly he is flying a sign saying he will work for food and asking you for spare change...and I was just wondering...what type of shit is that???????

And you do not pay taxes to help him live pay them because you will go to jail if you make enough and don't...just ask Willie!

well maybe your right
but my taxes go to program that are to help those that are disadvantaged
atleast thats what do govn. tells me
(the grass is growing but the horse is dieing)
so while this kid is trying to figure a way around working he has to have food, clothing, and shelter - and whos going to provide that,,,,, mommy, daddy, big sis, lil' brother while he leaning on them they have to lean on us to make up the differance
see his type of thinking is what breeds crimminal - from the enrons to the kids who kill there mommy and daddy to make some changes
see these kids grow up taking money form those who work hard for what they have - they put so much thought into taking pennies off of everyone's hard earn buck that they forget that they make a good dollar for the real work that they already do


I love capitalism and believe in it 110%, however I do not believe in capitalism with the amount of government regulation it currently has.

America has created some of the most successful people in the world due to their own hard work and sweat, and anyone truly can make it big here... just about having the idea and ambition to do so.
Agreed. The government needs to back off a tad
well maybe your right
but my taxes go to program that are to help those that are disadvantaged
atleast thats what do govn. tells me
(the grass is growing but the horse is dieing)
so while this kid is trying to figure a way around working he has to have food, clothing, and shelter - and whos going to provide that,,,,, mommy, daddy, big sis, lil' brother while he leaning on them they have to lean on us to make up the differance
see his type of thinking is what breeds crimminal - from the enrons to the kids who kill there mommy and daddy to make some changes
see these kids grow up taking money form those who work hard for what they have - they put so much thought into taking pennies off of everyone's hard earn buck that they forget that they make a good dollar for the real work that they already do
You still haven't got an idea what the post is about its funny
listen carefully

Now before responding in attempt to simply attack me,
Have a think about what his real problem is so you can help him not sit on your dumbass position that just proves your simple mentality.

maybe actually read peoples posts instead of skimming over them

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
I don't respect American Society at-large. I think it's a Corporatist, conformist, cult of douchebags. Everything is fake. The thought of putting on a suit and going to a campus interview with a fake smile and sales pitch makes me want to puke in my soup. I'd defend these claims but that's more a political section thread.

Accepting these things as true, how do I get by? I'm struggling finding the motivation to do well in one of the more traditional majors in college because I genuinely don't believe in the work most of the companies I could interview for will be doing. What's more, I know I will hate the day-to-day. I don't want to be one of these guys who just settles and hates his entire working life, while going home knowing that he compromised his values all day long.

But I don't have an exit strategy. I can't find an escape. An outlet. A financial societal bypass.

I know this is a bit rambling. I apologize; I've been up all night, again, wracking my brain, trying to figure out how I can make some sense of all this. I'm so fucking lost. I feel like I'm already in debt and I better hurry up and conform and becoming an accounting major, but I know I'd hate my job doing so.

Thanks for reading.
You still haven't got an idea what the post is about its funny
listen carefully

Now before responding in attempt to simply attack me,
Have a think about what his real problem is so you can help him not sit on your dumbass position that just proves your simple mentality.

maybe actually read peoples posts instead of skimming over them
1. both of you are prolly the same person
2. his (your) whole reason for the post is because you hate that you have to work
sugar coat it all you want , change the words around all you want but that first post is about not wanting to get up and go to work 5 days a week, day in and day out for 25 - 30 years bottom line

if you dont like your major, change it
see the problem is you have went and told everyone how you were going to be this big what ever your major is, and now its getting a little hard and you feel its to late to change - dude you are how old "eary 20's" - grow up tell mommy and daddy that you have changed your mind
know this
whatever happens they we still love you :hug::hump:

P.S. yo ass gone have to work !!!!
lol this is ridculous, society is completly based off tyrants, to actually give in to them and to be a part of a society based in slavery is just insane, do you all actualy think u need to work to get what u deserve, all u need is light and air, and water and food proally, survival is guarenteed, any spirtual being knows this. times they are a changing tho, i wouldnt mind becoming a part of a socity which isnot based in slavery debt, we will see what happens, and people who beg for money need shit to survive just cause u are so wound tight u cant afford to kick them down something, dont mean u can claim that u help them live free, u only support the slave socity, did u even think this thru, how many times does a dollar change hands and gets taxed, we cant pay that debt, why do they borrow cotton for a profit, we can never pay it back, even at .002 percent , u cant pay it back 100.002 percent never equals 100 whatever tho, u dont like it go live in the woods, or learn how to manipulate your surroundings, it is what they have done to you anyway


Well-Known Member
The lowest of the low, these soldiers.Talk about weak, dumb, cunts of men, these walking sheeple literally give themselves over to a govt agency for a meager fee. Hitmen. Murderers for hire. I'm glad their dead.
I had some small bit of sympathy for your youthful angst until I read this little gem. Now I just hope you die. Soon.
1. both of you are prolly the same person
2. his (your) whole reason for the post is because you hate that you have to work
sugar coat it all you want , change the words around all you want but that first post is about not wanting to get up and go to work 5 days a week, day in and day out for 25 - 30 years bottom line

if you dont like your major, change it
see the problem is you have went and told everyone how you were going to be this big what ever your major is, and now its getting a little hard and you feel its to late to change - dude you are how old "eary 20's" - grow up tell mommy and daddy that you have changed your mind
know this
whatever happens they we still love you :hug::hump:

P.S. yo ass gone have to work !!!!
im not rob and i do work.
think about this
"you don't see the world as it is you see it how you are"

and many have tried to change it they all some how seem to end up with a bullet in the brain and that some how stops them :D

the working class has a voice it doesn't make enough noise

cause of the mass brain washing that goes on and anyone that says anything different then the social accepted norm is instantly with out any thought just dismissed as wrong or crazy etc