How to fix a phosphorus deficiency?

I think I have a Phosphorus def and was just wondering if a fert that has NPK levels of 15/13/12 will help?I was thinking of giving it a 1/2 or quarter strength does?

Here is my plant -

Is this a lack of Phosphorus???? Thanks


Well-Known Member
Any access to chicken manure? Great organic source of Phosphorus... I wouldn't feed the plant that fert because no need to overfeed it in the other levels risking a nute lockout.
Damn!! I had chickens about a year ago.... If only I had them now!!! Any other suggestions?? Do you believe it is a Phosphorus Def???

Thanks for the info! Appreciate it!
One other quick question as this is my first time growing....
I have previously read that once it goes into flower it is a good idea to drop the P from your ferts thats why I started to use a potash mix (fruit and bloom booster) which is high in N and K but low (4%) in P.....

Does this ring any truth about it or did I just read rubbish???

Thanks again


Well-Known Member
Definitely raise Phosphorus for flowering. I use a 20-20-20 fert for veg, but a 20-30-10 for flower. I like to add a bit more nitrogen on top of the soil though for the first few weeks of flowering so the plant doesn't run out of green healthy leaves.