how to flower outdoors problem plz comment!


Active Member
yeah i live in the pacific near the equator and we have 12 hour daylight all day and im growing outdoor in pots! how would i flower that if the time differnce is already in flowering time? please comment to this thread!:mrgreen:kiss-ass

Well-Known Member
if they aren't flowering, lower the # of light hours by either putting them in a dark shed every evening, or caging with chicken wire, and 'bagging'- heavy duty trash bags split and duct taped together to make a bigger bag...drape it over the caged beast every evening, and take it off 13 or more hours later. don't fret about a small amount of light creeping in the bottom...I haven't had ANY problems with this trick.
Grow them up indoors first then put them out in 12/12 when you want to flower. If they are in pots moving them around should be fairly easy. If that helps...