How to flush??

Here.. Under watering. Also known as bathing. You want to flush do this.. Then pour water and let it run. If you just pour water from above to flush. Well maybe your soil wont event be completely wet after your done.. But you'll have seen the run off and you'll assumed its goid when it isen't

learn to feed your plants noob. Flushing is dumb plain and simple.

Here.. Under watering. Also known as bathing. You want to flush do this.. Then pour water and let it run. If you just pour water from above to flush. Well maybe your soil wont event be completely wet after your done.. But you'll have seen the run off and you'll assumed its goid when it isen't
It says
learn to feed your plants noob. Flushing is dumb plain and simple.
Im not flushin my plant dude
I've never flushed my entired life i let my plant deplete its self im in organic soil. I dont ph ir do shit. I just water. And top off
But i do bottom feed my plant especially in flowering. And if i were to fuck up. All i'd have to do is put my root underwater let air bubble out lift and its done. Top it back up add some great white work the top layer and let it work it's thing.
So what you are going to say that my 80 days old pkants look like shit. Compare to half the photos posted about how it can be fixed. I thing they look real good. For pkant i was goingbto thriw away
My only fuck up in this grow is that when i was polinating the branch i wanted to seed. My doors opened up. And a little draft coughtvsome pollen and maid a few seed at a few spot. Nothing to bad. Since its pretty isolated. That was my most upseting moment.. I should have sprayed the whole plant first and after ward.. That's my lesson learnt. A yeah.. And that you are a jack ass. Hahaa
They are definitely cute little things, should get a solid ounce off all 5. So when you were harvesting your 100 pounds per month did you have a outdoor pool to soak all 100 plants in or would you do 1 at a time?
They are definitely cute little things, should get a solis ounce off all 5. So when you were harvesting your 100 pounds per month did you have a outdoor pool to soak all 100 plants in or would you do 1 at a time?
I didn't i was growing a 100 pound.. I was dispatching. Not samething. I've seen not run..
My only fuck up in this grow is that when i was polinating the branch i wanted to seed. My doors opened up. And a little draft coughtvsome pollen and maid a few seed at a few spot. Nothing to bad. Since its pretty isolated. That was my most upseting moment.. I should have sprayed the whole plant first and after ward.. That's my lesson learnt. A yeah.. And that you are a jack ass. Hahaa

wait you said yesterday that this was your breeding bedside table. Now you just pollinated a single branch?
They are definitely cute little things, should get a solid ounce off all 5. So when you were harvesting your 100 pounds per month did you have a outdoor pool to soak all 100 plants in or would you do 1 at a time?
Last years i got over 1lb from a pkant i put on my balcony in begenning of july. And the years before git 5 in a plant in a rack but thats cause i started indoor and vedge it a while and i coukd use that area. But niw i'm limited by concrete. .
I have no plans on leaving this forum tbh dude... I love you too!

We have zero problems you and me but there is plenty to learn here for all

What ive said is that chlorine in tap water isnt enough to kill plants - this is factual for the world governing body on water in every first world country.

Ok some might have terrible water - it happens but thats no reason to scare the rest and so initially tap water is fine until deemed bad by water report analysis or just take your word for it.

Hard tap water can be bad due to alkalinity also which builds up mainly alkaline substances that buffer soils.

I believe water with high iron levels is to an extent ok to grow weed in.

My water is 70ppm out the tap and picks up little from our hard bed rock, some places built on lime have terrible times with hard water and limescale.

Someone mentioned carniverous plants and fish would struggle even at tap water levels of chlorine but these are ultra sensitive species so on the fringe.

Brita i havent referenced but its been talked about before and feel its not removing chlorine but other substances - worth more investigation but everyone probably be buying brita if it did strip that 3ppm of chlorine out of every litre tap water - big ask for small filter. Ro filters must strip chlorine but idk there - also worth investigating.

I did mention to chill - you cant win these guys but many will discuss not troll so no need to reply to them once it gets heated :-)
wait you said yesterday that this was your breeding bedside table. Now you just pollinated a single branch?
That the thing. I've seeded a whole branch on all femal. Not just a bud. A decent branch with multipke bud site. I polinated all the hairs. Not just a little. Took me 3 days to do all the pistil i wanted 1 plant at a time.. I' cut some clone of tge femele. To keep the f2 mother. And i've cut all flowers of the male and revedge it ratter then hoping to be able to store pollen and not succed. This way i can gi back to the begening of the line. Anytime to backcross to the male or female with f3-f4 f-5. Or whatever. Thecreason why i've polinated parts and not whole plant. Is because i need to sample out the final product. To see which out of the three plant my friends are gki g to say they prefere.. Since there all started from seeds not clones. That were seeded from my mother. At first i was just growingbit for them. But then i realized they were actually really good plant in over all... After i have the taste result from friends. I'm going to run a terpene profile and thc test from the lab. Then i'll have a better understanding. I have a prefered pkant out ouf thecthree that i hope wins. If so. The vigor wize i'll be set.. So yeah its the start of my own breeding line. Il do a seed run to have a quick run a see the seedling stage for vigir devellopement see hiw it hold. Then i'll send out the seeds to my friend. So they can grow in high wind coastal area grow in on the side of the ocean in the mountain and fields or swampy area and they'll give me a feed back. Since i cant't test a 100 seedljng to maturity. But. I can grow my clones int mother and do another full batch of the best f3 result. Then test at a bigger scale. You may thing i'm a fool. But i thing i'll manage. Its just long process. So yeah i have to do this in my house cause i'm playing with male pollen. At the moment.
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Last years i got over 1lb from a pkant i put on my balcony in begenning of july. And the years before git 5 in a plant in a rack but thats cause i started indoor and vedge it a while and i coukd use that area. But niw i'm limited by concrete. .

pic of plant on balcony
pic of plant on balcony
Thats been long gone and smoke. My girlfruend smoke it all. Bus it was farely 6 feet tall about 5 feet wide.. I had to finish it partly indoor do to cold weather. And since i gad a probation (parole) and not do anything iligal i could not risk getting caught with proof and reason it was in balcony was so i could throw it downstairs worst came to worst... I've only only started keeping tracks of my stuff now. Since fir now our quebec goverment got turned aroud by supreme court. Otherwise i would not me here
Parole...., what for murder? :-)

Thats been long gone and smoke. My girlfruend smoke it all. Bus it was farely 6 feet tall about 5 feet wide.. I had to finish it partly indoor do to cold weather. And since i gad a probation (parole) and not do anything iligal i could not risk getting caught with proof and reason it was in balcony was so i could throw it downstairs worst came to worst... I've only only started keeping tracks of my stuff now. Since fir now our quebec goverment got turned aroud by supreme court. Otherwise i would not me here
Parole...., what for murder? :-)
No for possession 50k liquid in my backback so they new it was my cashout from a run (but could not prove that i had been involve in anything. So they keot the money. Police bribery. Cause i tried to buy them off. I was making 10k a week doing ahardly nothing back then. a open cellphone with coversation for demand for 500 pounds if cannabis but couldn't pin the phone to no one. Anyway long story shore. The wanted me and who ever i knew. And after they realized i woukdn't lead them anywhere. They tried to pin me hard. And failed so that was back in may 2014. I'm still not done oaying for this.. Went to jail. Was on house arrest.. For 2 years i wasen't allowes a cellphone ir more then 100$ on me. They still don't have a clue what i did to this day but they knew i was playing with a lot if money. But when a police officers sees me now. He juste let's me be and walks away..
No for possession 50k liquid in my backback so they new it was my cashout from a run (but could not prove that i had been involve in anything. So they keot the money. Police bribery. Cause i tried to buy them off. I was making 10k a week doing ahardly nothing back then. a open cellphone with coversation for demand for 500 pounds if cannabis but couldn't pin the phone to no one. Anyway long story shore. The wanted me and who ever i knew. And after they realized i woukdn't lead them anywhere. They tried to pin me hard. And failed so that was back in may 2014. I'm still not done oaying for this.. Went to jail. Was on house arrest.. For 2 years i wasen't allowes a cellphone ir more then 100$ on me. They still don't have a clue what i did to this day but they knew i was playing with a lot if money. But when a police officers sees me now. He juste let's me be and walks away..

and now you live in a 1 bedroom apartment growing 5 plants on your nightstand next to a litter box.
