How to flush??

I am positive my baby girls have nute burn... they are 2 weeks old and I gave them nutes... Doh!

How do I flush them properly?? Any advice??

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Well-Known Member
Hey there.. First, don't panic.
Second, figure out how big your pots are... If they are a gallon, run 4 gallons of water through each..
You should be good to go after that..
it might take a while for them to drink all of that up..


Active Member
Hey there.. First, don't panic.
Second, figure out how big your pots are... If they are a gallon, run 4 gallons of water through each..
You should be good to go after that..
it might take a while for them to drink all of that up..
Seriously though, what setup are you running? Soil or Hydro?
Either way, the idea is to get water into the plants without additional fert. 2 weeks plants will recover quickly. Just provide your babies with water as they need. When your happy theyre growing again healthy, you can resume your regular feeding schedule. The key is to keep an eye on them.
Thanks dude... that is comforting.

I am using some shitty Scott's soil from Home Depot. I am getting ready to transplant into some fox farms i got at a local hydro store.

The tips are yellowing and drying out and I think it is because I fed them too soon. Just flushed them.

Will post pics once they heal!