How to get growing card in Washington!!


Active Member
indeed shamegame what a hater feelin like you got special rights to something that flat out be legal in the first place>I think its time for people u and fdd2blk 2 open your eyez and get some perspective on how this herb really does help a wider spectrum of patients>i myself have a card and it is not specifically for the physical as much it is the mental> Isnt the marijuana community supposed to be surrounded by compassion? Time to get off your high horse buddy


Well-Known Member
"For your leg cramps I suggest a multi vitamin.For your back pains I suggest losing some weight :mrgreen:.Don't belittle medical marijuana.It helps many people who truly need it and people that go looking for scripts for things like " leg cramps " don't help the cause.


awesome another high and mighty mj patient that thinks they detirmine what medical conditions should get it:finger::finger::finger:,right after they finish smoking an entire 3 gram blunt to the dome as their treatment for the morning:eyesmoke::eyesmoke:
gimme a fuckin break:roll:


New Member
It helps the arthritis that is in my hands. When I'm out and the weather is cold my hands just ache and feel so stiff.

It also does a lot for my chronic depression. I feel less like an axe murderer when I have some to smoke. Without it I'd just as soon kill you as look at you.


Active Member
I am about 76% titanium throughout the left side of my body and have very bad intractable pain/chronic pain due to extensive nerve damage and major breaks. I hadn't smoked for a few years prior to the accident, and don't believe in taking pills! So I talked to my surgeon about what smoking does to relieve the pain, any other suggestions before I rely on just on cannabis?


Active Member
I know I'm new,but so far I have seen more mean people then polite, not good. Anyways man, this is what I found? fish around there. You will find phone numbers and clinics in Washington state. There is also one in bellevue something called THCM medical clinic. Far as getting a card, well they said you have to get documents and records showing such chronic pain, but yea chronic pain is on the list but didn't really say what kinds would allow a card. Good luck and hang in there man.


i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
jesus christ lay off the guy

you just know that hes overweight?

you just know that hes trying to get medical mj for the fun of it?

what happened to innocent b4 proven guilty

maybe this guy is suffering from chronic pain everyday and he knows marijuana helps him maybe not i dont care

or is medical marijuana soley for the use of glaucoma patients and cancer patients?

why dont you lose some weight and take your vitamins and stop trying to sound like your pro marijuana by saying people with pain that want to use it for its medicinal purposes are belittleing it

Right on man, it aint cool to judge someone you have no idea what there going through and if he doesnt need it let the doctor tell him!:peace:bongsmilie
If a doctor prescribes you with a medicinal marijuana card; NOBODY has the right to tell you that you don't need it.

There are hundreds of medicinal reason to smoke marijuana.

I have a few

I have autism and it results in a severe learning disorder. In summary; I can't concentrate on homework. I have to stand up and walk around for 10 minutes after 5 minutes of homework. After a joint or a couple hits from the bong; I can go 8 hours of straight uninterrupted homework.

About a year ago now; I got rear-ended by a car going at 30 mph into the car in front of me. It messed up my spine and now I suffer from chronic back pain and I'm constantly throwing out my back. Marijuana stops this pain COMPLETELY. Anti-inflammatory drugs just make me feel sick and don't cure any pain whatsoever.

Ever since I was a kid; I've had diarrhea every other day and constipation the others. I've tried changing my diet, taking fiber, diarrhea medicine, but nothing completely fixes the problem. When I take marijuana for a day or so, my shit doesn't rip my rear open or explode like mentos in a Coke-Cola bottle.

Just because I enjoy the high, doesn't mean I don't have medicinal uses for it.