how to get more female plants


Well-Known Member
i think the sex of the seed may be predetermined and we can only influence it becoming hermie or not. so maybe what we need is a way to determine male from female seeds. I grabbed the attached graphic from another RIU poster (sorry can't recall who).

DISCLAIMER: I have never used this to try to get females - so i don't know if it is true or not...



Well-Known Member
I only plant from bagseed and so far I have grown 6 and all 6 were female
I usually just look at all of the seeds and take the ones that look the most fully developed and cracks, dents, difformities... Also I like to use the seeds that have a nice speckled appearance. I dont think size matters in this case.


Well-Known Member
Im kind of a hippie too so I bless my plants and give them female names and tell them that they are good little girls and they make me so proud...I think as long as they think they are female then they will be. I don't however, think stress has anything to do with it because my last plants went through hell and back!!!!


Well-Known Member
i heard something like putting a nute with high nitrogen diluted in water will help... (when germination seeds in the water/nute solution)

but that all sounds bogus, its almost like....well shit if my girl takes male hormones, the baby will come out to be a boy and if she took more estrogen it will be a girl.

there might be a way, but i think its all bogus, phony claims.

i think the same thing that applies to us humans (males are the determining factor when a baby is concieved) is the same thing with plants.

the male plants either give that x or y. and that there is no way to change or influence more x over y or vice versa...

but shit what do i know.... im just high and tryna be logical


Active Member
email468, if that picture is correct than it is pre-determined... im going to do that method with my next harvest of seeds.. im not going to discard the 'male' seeds, but lable them, i will definitely report on this though.