How to Get Plants to Spot?


Active Member
how should i get my plants to my spot safe,i need to drive there and walk through alot of woods and it need to all be in a backpack somehow


Active Member
a big cooler with ropes tied to each hand in a loop like a backpack. works great. and don't look really all that dumb to people if someone happens to see you.


Well-Known Member
a big ice cooler on your back not looking dumb? your best bet is probably stacking very carefuly in your backpack. depends on how big they are?


New Member
ok enough playing how many plants and how tall if not a hundred plants and under a foot get a box pack in there and then put it in a backpack


For mine I used the backpack, with plants inside boxed. You might just need to be creative, I had the thought of using a tackle box with the inner shelves removed, but reconsidered when I would also need to bring a fishing pole.

I went out very early in the morning when few were around. Looking suspicious and scared will get you in trouble.

I was worried until I thought of all the times people have stopped me and asked what was in my backpack.....none.