How to get temperature of grow room down?


New Member
Ever since I started growing about 2 weeks ago the temp of my grow space is very high.
I suck at growing, I have planted about 4 seeds and all of them have died, for i do not know why.
My grow room is pretty small (i dont know the dimensions atm) and the average temperature ranges from about 40 DEGREES C to 48 degrees c.
I am pretty low on money right now, so I cant afford to spend $100.

I have 2 fluorescent tubes and 8 cfl's which make the room super hot.
also my grow cab is in my bedroom, so sleeping with all that heat is hard.

Could anyone suggest some cheap ways to get the temp down?


Well-Known Member
do you have any fans or some type of air circulation. the temp should be from 70-85 degrees fahrenheit. obviously your growroom will have lower temps if its bigger but since its small you'll need alot of air circulation. even then it may be dificult to keep temps down.


New Member
Yes I have a huge fan in there. But it seems like it is just blowing hot air.
And for some reason I cannot get my seeds to sprout, and i donno why.


Well-Known Member
could you wait a few months till its colder out, assuming winter is coming for you? its a lot easier to regulate the temperature in the winter than the summer just by adjusting a window.


Well-Known Member
well from my experiance your problem is probablly from heat. you need to use that fan and direct the heat away from the plants. if its possible maybe you can open up your grow room and let the fan pull the heat out. if you must keep your grow room stealth i cant help you. all i can tell you is if its an indoor grow then to keep the area around the grow room as cool as you can with as much air circulation as you can. you need to get the heat away from the plants.


New Member
Okay thanks for the reply's.
When I open the grow cab the temp goes down to around 34 degrees.
I will think of something to cool it down, and I might just have to wait until winter I guess..


Well-Known Member
dunno if this will help, but if you're doing a grow in a small box, what helped for me was doing a passive intake (ie a hole), and then just having my fans as exhaust. also, this is very important, make sure to form a vacuum.
my temps were at like 86, then by sheer luck, i for once matched up my two rubbermaids so they make a decent seal all the way around, then my fans started to actually expel hot air from inside the box. this applies to the fans too. i was way too careless with forming tight seals.

no idea if this helps, but thought id try.


New Member
Well I have a couple of spots where there are vent spaces but it does not help.
I will take pics and post them as soon as my camera is fixed.


Active Member
Heat in most cases are good for germination, but it must be dark. On of the killers of seed sprouting is over watering.In order to do this properly you should give the new seedling no more than about 6 drops from an I dropper while the seed is no more than 1/4 inch. burried. Watch it sprout, but be patient, nature is !
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Well-Known Member
This is a bit of a ball-ache but if your temps are way too high you could try freezing bottles of water and putting them still frozen around your fans, this helps to cool the air being circulated but you must keep freezing those bottles.


New Member
Yeah I think I over watered all of them. I wasnt very clear on how much water to give them and how often.
I bought 20 seeds so I guess those will be practice seeds, becasue im a slow learner.


Well-Known Member
Use the frozen water bottle trick... It should knock the temp down 3-4 degrees. Its not much but every little bit helps when you are fighting a temperature issue.


New Member
Yeah for short term im going to put a couple ice packs in there.
But would 116 degrees f kill the plants? lol cause thats what its at right now.


Well-Known Member
Some people are able to grow outdoors in the Arizona desert, but such conditions are simply not tolerable for indoor grows. You're shooting for 80-85 degrees, bearing in mind that all growth will cease beyond 90 degrees unless you're using co2, but that's a whole 'nother story.