how to grow a pound every month


Active Member
now that i have your attention. what does it mean when the leaves curl down...not hang, but curve...i know curved up leaves means heat stress, whats does it mean when they curve down?


Well-Known Member
now that i have your attention. what does it mean when the leaves curl down...not hang, but curve...i know curved up leaves means heat stress, whats does it mean when they curve down?
You're a douchbag. Try and posting an honest thread and maybe waiting for longer than 2 min.


Well-Known Member
You're a douchbag. Try and posting an honest thread and maybe waiting for longer than 2 min.
i second this motion. and its not even in the plant problem section you retard. there places to put your questions and if you put them in the right place you might get an answer, unless your a total douchbag


Active Member
i second this motion. and its not even in the plant problem section you retard. there places to put your questions and if you put them in the right place you might get an answer, unless your a total douchbag
Wow it sure is fun blasting someone that u don't know, isn't it? is it the thrill of calling someone a childish name and not getting your ass kicked because your hiding behind the million feet of the Internet. Where's your dignity? It's sad really.


Active Member
i second this motion. and its not even in the plant problem section you retard. there places to put your questions and if you put them in the right place you might get an answer, unless your a total douchbag
Wow it sure is fun blasting someone that u don't know, isn't it? is it the thrill of calling someone a childish name and not getting your ass kicked because your hiding behind the million feet of the Internet. Where's your dignity? It's sad really. Ps. It was a joke. Get it? You should know that's impossible.... For the most part unless you have the greatest plants on earth and 400 of them.


Active Member
I've never seen a question go unanswered here... even really dumb ones, the attention grabbing was really uncalled for...
not to mention there is already a very popular thread discussing how to do just that... grow a pound every 3 weeks...

They aren't being ass holes and you jumping straight to the conclusion that everyone here would back down from a fight is wrong as well. This site isn't filled with the typical 10- year old internet badass, there's some people here I know I wouldn't want to mess with if I didn't have too.

To actually answer your question the best results would have been gotten posting on top with a picture of the plant, and you probably would have gotten a good answer instead of a littany of "you suck"

Sadly in general this is a very friendly and helpful community, though I doubt you'll get much of that after a post like you just made.

oh and p.s. it sounds like either a nute or ph balance problem... though I'm not that sure how much help you are going to get with it now.


Well-Known Member
Wow it sure is fun blasting someone that u don't know, isn't it? is it the thrill of calling someone a childish name and not getting your ass kicked because your hiding behind the million feet of the Internet. Where's your dignity? It's sad really. Ps. It was a joke. Get it? You should know that's impossible.... For the most part unless you have the greatest plants on earth and 400 of them.
Dignity? You're the one misleading honest, helpful people into coming into this thread to answer your question, that's probably been answered 10000000000000x.

We are here to help and shit, not be tough guys, but it's pretty lame and misleading what you did. With that said, it's obvious you didn't even bother using google or posting in the correct section, if you did, I can guarantee you would've found the answer much faster.


Active Member
Dignity? You're the one misleading honest, helpful people into coming into this thread to answer your question, that's probably been answered 10000000000000x.

We are here to help and shit, not be tough guys, but it's pretty lame and misleading what you did. With that said, it's obvious you didn't even bother using google or posting in the correct section, if you did, I can guarantee you would've found the answer much faster.
Ya know what I haven't had a problem with this site until now it was a joke and all u guys took it way to seriously like seriously how am I the jerk for making a joke. Two people got the joke and answered me. And two or three people called me a douche bag. I like this site I have gotten a lot of help from it. So to the people that didn't bash me. I'm sorry. And to everyone else. I can't beleive you take things so seriously. And I am the person you wouldn't wanna mess with even I u had to. Hahahaha ps. I'm taking this post down so all the serious people can't cry anymore over spilt milk.


Well-Known Member
Holy smokes guys, don't take it so damn serious. I thought it was a LITTLE funny. You folks need to spark a fat one an chill a little bit. I am pretty sure the world isn't going to end tomarrow.


Active Member
Holy smokes guys, don't take it so damn serious. I thought it was a LITTLE funny. You folks need to spark a fat one an chill a little bit. I am pretty sure the world isn't going to end tomarrow.
Thank you that was my whole point!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These are the rarest stoners......angry ones


i just think its great how some people like give this website their life it seems sometimes. i mean on this thread a guy was talking about like your not going to get a good report. or good answers next time and poelple wont talk to you. well first you can search it on google. second alot of these people just look at the damn questions and posts they dont check their record. and third there are like 7 more websites like these probably alot more. and besides you cant hate on it that much, it got you to look as well as me. and the guy who was like this is a good, clean mouth community or some bs. this is a website, not a community. your taking this website to another nevel buddy.......