How to grow dank bud! Compost soil items

Guess you'd call it old skool now. :roll:
Used to be,,, we'd throw all the table scraps in a pile. add grass clipping, straw, chicken crap, horse dung, sheep shit, rabbit marbles, fish leftovers.
Generally there would be vegies, bones, shellfish shells, (being farm raised) animal guts, and who knows whatelse in the pile.
Homemade funnel from 1/4 - 1/4 wire stock and sift it through for all our seeds / seedlings / and starters.
Worked good. Problem is it would smell some, draw flies, and need to be turned from time to time.
Seems whenever I'd screw up it was time for turning (thanks Pop! - LOL) !
Tell you, end of day and you needed to turn..... there would be some hungary skeeters hearing a dinner bell!
Really though,, the stuff worked good.
Anything and everything organic in nature breaks back down to the raw materials. Essentially,, feeds others (fertilizer).

Thing is,, if you're a vegitarian... or a meat only sort of eater, check the ph. May need balancing (as well as your diet ;-))

PS; This buds for you! :joint:
Guess you'd call it old skool now. :roll:
Used to be,,, we'd throw all the table scraps in a pile. add grass clipping, straw, chicken crap, horse dung, sheep shit, rabbit marbles, fish leftovers.
Generally there would be vegies, bones, shellfish shells, (being farm raised) animal guts, and who knows whatelse in the pile.
Homemade funnel from 1/4 - 1/4 wire stock and sift it through for all our seeds / seedlings / and starters.
Worked good. Problem is it would smell some, draw flies, and need to be turned from time to time.
Seems whenever I'd screw up it was time for turning (thanks Pop! - LOL) !
Tell you, end of day and you needed to turn..... there would be some hungary skeeters hearing a dinner bell!
Really though,, the stuff worked good.
Anything and everything organic in nature breaks back down to the raw materials. Essentially,, feeds others (fertilizer).

Thing is,, if you're a vegitarian... or a meat only sort of eater, check the ph. May need balancing (as well as your diet ;-)

Nicely put boss. I'm trying to stay away from the smelly stuff, I don't need intruders on my crop ;) I'd rather end up smoking chunks of flys or gnats that somehow ended up on or in my bud.
this is an awesome post dude, seriously. I only use organic shit from my kitchen...i have a pot on my stove that i toss my coffee grinds (i only make 1 cup at a time) fruit skins, veg peels, shit that rotted and i didnt get to cook.... it all goes into a pot and i boil and strain it at the end of the week. the juice i strain and mix with water and add to all my balcony garden trainwreck included and the pulp i mix in my soil compost and use for everything i grow. its free and works for everything and i love it
this is an awesome post dude, seriously. I only use organic shit from my kitchen...i have a pot on my stove that i toss my coffee grinds (i only make 1 cup at a time) fruit skins, veg peels, shit that rotted and i didnt get to cook.... it all goes into a pot and i boil and strain it at the end of the week. the juice i strain and mix with water and add to all my balcony garden trainwreck included and the pulp i mix in my soil compost and use for everything i grow. its free and works for everything and i love it

Thanks for the input bro. That sounds like another excellent idea. I'll try that out sometime. Btw, I saw a post of yours earlier about your free government grow haha :) good shit.
i found something interesting:

    • BANANA PEELS - Eating a banana helps replenish lost potassium. Roses love potassium too. Simply throw one or two peels in the hole before planting or bury peels under mulch so they can compost naturally. Get bigger and more blooms.
    • COFFEE GROUNDS – Acid loving plants such as tomatoes, blueberries, roses and azaleas love coffee grounds mixed into the soil, sprinkled on top of the ground before watering, or poured on top of the soil. If using as a soil drench, soak 6 cups of coffee grounds in a 5 gallon bucket of water. Let it sit for 2-3 days and then saturate the soil around your plants.
    • EGG SHELLS – Wash them first, then crush. Work the shell pieces into the soil near tomatoes and peppers. The calcium helps fend off blossom end rot. Eggshells are 93% calcium carbonate, the same ingredient as lime, a tried and true soil amendment! I use eggshells in my homemade potting mix. This gives me healthy, beautiful fruits fit for seed saving. Get the 7 Secrets to Saving Tomato Seed in the Home Garden.
    • SEAWEED – Fresh seaweed should be washed well before use to remove salt. Asianmarkets sell dried seaweed. Both fresh and dried versions are considered excellent soil amendments. Seaweed contains trace elements and actually serves as a food source for soil microbes.Chop up a small bucket of seaweed and add it to 5 gallons of water. Let it sit for 2-3 weeks loosely covered. Use it to drench the soil and foliage. 2 cups work well for a small plant, 4 cups for a medium plants and 6 cups for a large plant. Experiment with amounts. Combine seaweed with other tea fertilizers.
      • WEEDS – You’ve got your own fertilizer growing under your feet! Nettles, comfrey, yellow dock, burdock, horsetail and chickweed make wonderful homemade fertilizer. There are several ways you can use them to make your own brew or to speed up your compost pile. If your weeds have not gone to flower you can dry them in the sun and chop them up to use as a mulch. They are high in nitrogen and won’t rob your plants of nutrients. Borage (starflower) is an herb but for some people it’s a weed. It has many of the same nutritional properties as comfrey. I dry the entire plant, root and all, and put it in my compost tumbler. It helps break everything down and gives the pile and extra dose of heat. For this next brew, get out the bucket and your bandana! The bandana you’ll need for your nose because this technique gets stinky! Place a bunch of weed leaves and roots in a 5 gallon bucket. Weigh down the leaves with a brick to ensure the plant matter is covered and add water to cover. Stir weekly and wait 3-5 weeks for the contents to get thick an gooey. Then use that goo, diluted 1:10 or more as a soil drench fertilizer. To make it even more convenient, you can use two buckets and make a hole in the bottom of the bucket that contains the plants. The goo will seep through to the lower bucket. It’s always best to apply the liquid fertilizer diluted – it should look like weak tea.
      • MOLASSES – Using molasses in compost tea increases microbes and the beneficial bacteria that microbes feed on. If you want to start out with a simple recipe for molasses fertilizer, mix 1-3 tablespoons of molasses into a gallon of water. Water your plants with this concoction and watch them grow bigger and healthier.
      • HUMAN URINE – Sounds disgusting, but urine is considered sterile if the body it’s coming from is healthy and free of viruses and infection. High in nitrogen, urea contains more phosphorous and potassium than many of the fertilizers we buy at the store! If serving tomatoes that have been fertilized with pee gives you the “willies”, try it in the compost pile. A good ratio of urine to water would be 1:4. You can collect a cup of urine and pour it into 4 cups of water in a plastic bucket used outside for fertilizing plants. Pour 2 cups around the perimeter of each SMALL plant. For MEDIUM plants add 4 cups and LARGE plants deserve a good 6 cups of your personal home brew.
      • GRASS CLIPPINGS – Rich in nitrogen, grass breaks down over time and enhances the soil. Fill a 5 gallon bucket full of grass clippings. You can even add weeds! Weeds soak up nutrients from the soil just as much as grass. Add water to the top of the bucket and let sit, covered for 3 weeks. Stir it once a week. Dilute your grass tea by mixing 1 cup of liquid grass into 10 cups of water. Apply to the base of plants using the same amounts as listed above in the urine recipe.
      • MANURE – Chicken, horse, cow manure. With a little effort, you’ll find folks that are giving away composted animal manure for free. Add the composted manure to a small permeable bag made from recycled cloth, e.g., a t-shirt or old towel. Let it steep in the shade for a few days and apply it to your soil to condition it before planting. Bury or discard the used bag. Some people use manure tea to soak bare root roses! Click here to read my 5 tips for using manure.
      • CAT AND DOG FOOD – Depending on the dog food you recycle, this soil amendment may not be organic. However, even the cheap stuff contains protein and micro-nutrients that benefit the soil. To prepare a garden plot for planting, sprinkle dry pet food on the bed, turn the soil and water. Let it decay naturally. To discourage wildlife from visiting for a snack, cover with cardboard until the food decomposes. The cardboard will also trap moisture and discourage weeds. Make sure the cardboard get wet all the way through and cover with mulch. Water thoroughly every week for four weeks. Soybean meal and alfalfa pellets from the grain store work great too. Sometimes grain stores will sell for cheap or give away spoiled grains. Check the feed for salt content and try not to add pet or animal food considered high in sodium. The AAFCO (Association of American Feed Control Officials) recommends dry dog food contain a minimum of 3% sodium to support normal growth and development.
      [h=4]OTHERS[/h]CORNMEAL – Contains lots of phosphorus and nitrogen and acts as an effective fungicide. Add a cup of cornmeal to 5 gallons of water. Let it soak for several hours, then strain the liquid so you can add it to a spray bottle. Spray the leaves of plants that are susceptible to fungus. You can combine this cornmeal tea with compost tea for even more benefits. I use the leftover water from cooking corn on my vegetable garden.
      WORM POO – Making my own worm tea is easy. I started with a handful of red wiggler worms about 6 years ago and haven’t stopped since. Check out our video below on composting with worms to see how easy it is to make this amazing fertilizer!
I just throw it all into my worm bin and let them do all the work decomposing it. The worm leacheate that comes out the spigot in my worm factory is like the best liquid nutrient you could source. Fresh worm casting is all you need to add to recharge the soil most of the time.
Please everyone do not piss on your plants. Yeah I know its high in N but hey that’s nasty. Stop it.
I'm sure plenty of you know this, but you can use old kitchen waste and other things as a convenient, cheap way to give your lovely girls some nice nutrients without braking the bank.

Old coffee grinds - Coffee grinds have plentiful amounts of nitrogen, which are great for your plant in the vegetative stage. Sprinkle used coffee grinds around your plant before watering for a slow-release nitrogen supplement, you can also mix them up in your soil medium for a thorough distribution of nitrogen for your plant. Use about a half-pound of grinds per 5 gallon bucket to achieve a fast-acting liquid fertilizer which can last for a long while. Great for repellent pests as well, great for outdoor grows!

Egg shells - Egg shells add very valuable nutrients to your soil medium. Mainly calcium, which is fantastic for the flowering stage since your plant eats those up pretty quickly and can greatly reduce calcium deficiencies. Make sure you grind them up very fine before adding them to your soil or putting them around your plant so they break down quickly and be used by your plants. Egg shells can also prevent bud rot in general, especially at the end of your harvest.

Old vegetable or fruit peels - These have a fantastic source of vitamins and nutrients, if not the best, for your plants. Citrus peels take longer to break down and decompose and have a high acidic value, so if you use these, use something like hydrated lime or epsom salt to increase the pH. Banana peels are great for the soil as well, why? You guessed it! Sufficient amounts of potassium, which is great for the flowering stage. Vegetable peels decompose alot quicker and contain just as much nutrients and probably won't smell as bad ;) so keep that in mine cause of pests.

Grass clippings - Once again, great source of nitrogen. You can either hand pick them off your front or back lawn, or after you cut your grass, you can empty the shreds out of your bag and save them. This is a quick, convenient method for a quick nitrogen fix. You can also add leave shreds and some good bark such as cedar, pine and cypress, which acts as a mulch.

These are just some of the good things you can add to your soil. I may update this in the future for people who are looking into using cheap, practically free fertilizers.

Also, check out my small grow that I'm working on right now. I'm germinating up about 8 seeds right now that I'm going to plant in the woods away from my house.
How often do you feed your plants coffee grounds during veg and egg shells during flower?
Let me give you a hint...don't ever bring plants that you started inside under lights then put outside, then, for some reason, you decided to bring them back inside the house. I did that last year, ended up with thrips...a nasty little creature that multiplies like fukin' rabbits and suck the sap from the leaves of your plants killing them. They ruined my entire four plants I had budding...diatomaceous earth is what I got so this won't ever occur again. The thrips likely would have gotten taken care of by natural defences like lady bugs and other enemies they have, but once inside the warm cozy basement is like Hawaii to them careful bud.
The egg shells work much better if you pound them to a powder or a salt like consistency...roots pick it up better.