how to grow indoor like hulaco fuzhigu

hulaco fuzhigu

New Member
can grow indoors without a full hydroponic system all you need are some good grow lights to replace the sunshine while placing your little seeds or seedlings straight into a potof soil. This is the most basic indoor growing systemand for simplicity it is still a great method. However, when most people think of growing marijuana indoors they think about using hydroponics.
Hydroponics is the name given to a variety of techniques for growing plants without soil. It was realized by researchers studying plant metabolism that plants took in their nutrients as simple inorganic ions, and that soil, while a source for such nutrients it was not essential. While a plant’s nutrients normally come from the soil, the only nutrients a plant can successfully absorb are those that dissolve into the plant’s water supply. When the required nutrients are introduced into a plant’s water supply artificially, soil is no longer required for it to thrive and that is hydroponics.strains have been around for some time now and are a cannabis seed strain perfect for indoors growing. Autoflowering seeds will not require the lighting to be changed from 24 hours down to 12 as they should still flower under 24 hour light, but usually it is best to cut the light down to 18 hour on and 6 hours off to help them flower really well.germination your little seeds will start the vegetation stage of life. This when they require the more blue and green light spectrum from your grow lights. The vegetation stage can last from two weeks to many months depending on the strain and your growing method. For example using theSea of Green method you would induce flowering in as little as two weeks.


Well-Known Member
I am just happy that it is okay that I have been growing indoors in soil all this time. Otherwise I would have to wonder what it is I have been smoking.


Well-Known Member
can grow indoors without a full hydroponic system all you need are some good grow lights to replace the sunshine while placing your little seeds or seedlings straight into a potof soil. This is the most basic indoor growing systemand for simplicity it is still a great method. However, when most people think of growing marijuana indoors they think about using hydroponics.
Hydroponics is the name given to a variety of techniques for growing plants without soil. It was realized by researchers studying plant metabolism that plants took in their nutrients as simple inorganic ions, and that soil, while a source for such nutrients it was not essential. While a plant’s nutrients normally come from the soil, the only nutrients a plant can successfully absorb are those that dissolve into the plant’s water supply. When the required nutrients are introduced into a plant’s water supply artificially, soil is no longer required for it to thrive and that is hydroponics.strains have been around for some time now and are a cannabis seed strain perfect for indoors growing. Autoflowering seeds will not require the lighting to be changed from 24 hours down to 12 as they should still flower under 24 hour light, but usually it is best to cut the light down to 18 hour on and 6 hours off to help them flower really well.germination your little seeds will start the vegetation stage of life. This when they require the more blue and green light spectrum from your grow lights. The vegetation stage can last from two weeks to many months depending on the strain and your growing method. For example using theSea of Green method you would induce flowering in as little as two weeks.
NOW you tell me:wall: