How to grow indoors in UK attic, bedroom or shed. Please help me


i have never grown before, i looked at few pages but most are in us or to complicated. i want to start knowing my plants first then grown the ultimate once.
please if any 1 can help how i can start of it be very great for to me and other. i keep every one posted with picture video and notes. step by step. i will need the same guide.


Well-Known Member
why not just take a guide and translate it in google translate? that way you will get at least some view over what you need to do.


Well-Known Member
first things first........ do you own any growing equipment currently?
Also what areas do you have to work with that you can grow in? (measurements and pics would help)


Well-Known Member
You're going to be better of using the bedroom inside your house towards the end of the year, as your loft space and shed are going to get very cold in the next month or so.


Well-Known Member
This time of year is good for an attic grow in the UK
An oil heater is a handy thing to have during lights off if u go for an attic grow


i got lights 250 w 150w and a 600w. i am making my own room in the attic building it from start. i got my seeds lemon haze got my soil. i have looked at view grows and video but dont actually say how a person can grow in their room or cupboard. i got mate who grows in wardrobe but i want to grow in room set it up perfect no mistakes so i am taking my time on it.


Well-Known Member
Have a look at my grow the link's in my Sig. I veg in a cupboard in a bedroom and flower in the attic in a space I built


Closetgarder: are you growing in the uk to?

you know your growing room or the flowering i got double the size of the. you think you can help us out how to set it up from step 1


growing in a tent i could do, but am unsure of growing it in tent untill i grow it in a room with fitted equipment for preventing light going out or heat.
but if that method is cheap and easy to do will try keep you posted. how would i do that doe?

cant get enough

Active Member
i got a room that has wardrobe interior fitted would that do to start of my flowering and so.
a wardrobe in house wud be good m8 just make sure there fresh air getting in there, with good seeds and medium and good nuterants and keep your temperatures right u should be good to grow.


Well-Known Member
No probs mate just pm me, Yh man in the UK too. If the wardrobe is big then yeah but temps may cause u problems if it's too small mate


Well-Known Member
Grow tents will stop light leaks, the are reflective, you can get one to fit the space you have available, an all round good investment .


what about heat, i like the idea with the grow tent only seen once being sold in america or being imported but now got one in uk for 60quid on ebay. but how does that work?


Well-Known Member
Just the same as growing in a wardrobe mate, intake and exhaust fans to control the heat

EDIT: u don't even need intake fans just exhaust, that's what I've got. It's called a passive intake