How to grow marijuana videos here

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Well-Known Member
i find porn pretty boring too. preffer to make my own when possible if ya catch ma drift lol.

i too find i get more out of looking at buds lol. least it gets me more intrigued than seeing some big black dick float around the front of the screen, or some droopy loose box.
sorry just not my thing

i like my girls like my bud nice smelling, good figure and tight :shock:
Its called fetish porn check it out


Well-Known Member
i dont like torrents i use rapidshare but if you go to this site

ya can put the url you get from the top right of the youtube vids in a bar the website provides and download it from there..

its pretty self explanitory from there.

i dont like torrents theyre slow and not to be trusted. except veoh lol

peace out
If you download realplayer anytime you watch a video on the internet it gives you the option to download it. Just click on the little realplayer box that pops up with the vid. Works great for getting music off youtube aswell


Well-Known Member
Wow, you really are a genius, helping to exploit all of the hard work of people like SeeMoreBuds and Jorge ( though I prefer SeeMore :D ). It's people like you that helped place the U.S. economy in a recession. Pirate the movies instead of going to the theater, rip a DVD and post the links on youtube or piratebay. In case you didn't notice, SeeMoreBuds is active on riu.


Well-Known Member
Dude I have been looking for one of those videos (See More Buds (I highly suggest everyone watches them)) for fucking ages. I couldnt remember the name but as soon as i saw it on your list i new.

So thanks soooooo much <3 <3
Why not get a job and actually purchase the discs...?
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