How to grow marijuana?


New Member
I'm a rookie and want to attempt cultivating my own marijuana to smoke; if anyone has any experience with that, please let me know. Other plants, largely food and spice plants, I've grown before, but I've never grown marijuana, and I have no idea where to get marijuana seeds.

They make growing SO EASY you can just copy what they do. Nebula, the lady who runs the site, is SO AMAZING at her craft, he fucks up plants on purpose so that she can also show you images of what NOT to do.

Go to that site. Copy the notes, feed charts etc. Two years of literally just copying this site, and at that point you should be well versed to venture out on your own.
First grow - I highly recommend using soil, it's the most forgiving growing method.
something like this will do nicely

Light. IMO 35w/sq ft of led is a minimum
How big of a grow space?

Good luck
My suggestion is first to stop calling it "Marijuana", it's Cannabis.
Marijuana implies prohibition, cannabis is what it is. Starting advice? Get a book. Electronics aren't always available and can be difficult to find something again. Books are easier to find detailed information. Ed Rosenthal and Jorge Cervantes both are good authors for the inexperienced cannabis cultivator. You've just got to have the courage to fail and the strength to keep trying it till you get it right.
Look at the sites logo lol, it literally says The Marijuana Source..

Who cares how he said it, you know what he meant. He's asking for help how to grow not what language to use.
As far as seeds... use the search function in the header, or Google it. The Dea has flat out said that they cannot tell the difference between hemp and cannabis seeds and are therefore legal to ship. I'm a member of a few other sites that allow trading world wide.
If you were never informed of the difference between referring to something by a slang term(popularized by prohibitionists) and using its actual name, I'm sorry for you. Was not attacking, was informing, if you applied an aggressive tone to my text, that's, laughably, on you.
Rule one of growing, no slang. Got it.

Really wasn't trying to start anything, personally I only ever use slang when referencing. I actually thought your message was quite encouraging!
For inquiring minds

For the OP
