how to grow mushrooms the easy way

I hate pf tek personally. Bulk to shoeboxes is by far the easiest.

if you know how to use a SAB with solid technique there’s no need to go crazy cleaning. I’m pretty deep in the mush cult scene and don’t know anybody who showers or does laundry. Lots of them don’t even wear gloves. I’ve done many SAB sessions with a dog on my lap too.

doing all that won’t hurt, but it’s for sure unnecessary.
I hate pf tek personally. Bulk to shoeboxes is by far the easiest.

if you know how to use a SAB with solid technique there’s no need to go crazy cleaning. I’m pretty deep in the mush cult scene and don’t know anybody who showers or does laundry. Lots of them don’t even wear gloves. I’ve done many SAB sessions with a dog on my lap too.

doing all that won’t hurt, but it’s for sure unnecessary.

Agreed, in a house relatively new to the process. As time goes on every house gets a biome as well. I'm sure you know people who do all sorts of things from cotton filled holes in boxes to hydroponics heaters, I do as well.

But sure, no laundry, no gloves, no still air box. I've inoculated "hot" substrates in open air in my kitchen but that is more a matter of technique and luck than anything else. Remember that this tec doesn't use a still air box.
Hi guys, excellent thread! I'm about to try this method as described but was wondering: is it possible to use field corn instead? 50 pounds of that is only $9 right now. Also what about nixramalized corn? Has that been tried? Is there something about popcorn that makes it better?
Corn is ok but I found bird seed the easiest and best to use. The smaller grains mean more inoculation points when you mix them into coir.

really you can use anything though as long as it’s hydrated and sterilized correctly.
You dont need the full 20lbs that is recommended at the start of this thread. 8-10 lbs of corn is more than enough for 12 one quart jars. You can find 2lb jars of corn kernels at walmart for 4-5 bucks
Yeah, I don't know what I was thinking with the 20 lbs

And field corn gets very mushy.

For this process, pop corn is the best of all grains. You are not spawning anything else so you don't need more inoculation points. What you want is a rich substrate.
Long long ago, Mr stamets and I had a correspondence. He was just starting his company. This was of course, before the Advent of the internet. He was earnest and forthright back then. I followed him ever since. Love his work but I am a little suspect of his mother's miraculous recovery.
His work with bees and mycelium is pretty amazing too:
I hear Mike Tyson takes shrooms three times a day.

I myself have only had bad trips with hallucinagens..

But truffles? And morels? Truffles make me nutty, I'll do just abount anything for them, and morels, in early spring I have old apple orchards I travel to and fill up bags with them..
I hear Mike Tyson takes shrooms three times a day.

I myself have only had bad trips with hallucinagens..

But truffles? And morels? Truffles make me nutty, I'll do just abount anything for them, and morels, in early spring I have old apple orchards I travel to and fill up bags with them..
probably just microdosing if he is doing it 3 times a day.
I hate pf tek personally. Bulk to shoeboxes is by far the easiest.

if you know how to use a SAB with solid technique there’s no need to go crazy cleaning. I’m pretty deep in the mush cult scene and don’t know anybody who showers or does laundry. Lots of them don’t even wear gloves. I’ve done many SAB sessions with a dog on my lap too.

doing all that won’t hurt, but it’s for sure unnecessary.
Do you have anh links to the tek you use?
Do you have anh links to the tek you use?

as far as the shoeboxes there’s not much too it, just mix spawn and coir and wait. I like to put the shoebox inside a bigger mono style tub while it fruits but that’s because it’s super dry here.

there’s a few threads about them, here’s a big one

As far as SAB/sterile technique theres a few for that too.

here’s a good list of legit teks for just about everything

as far as the shoeboxes there’s not much too it, just mix spawn and coir and wait. I like to put the shoebox inside a bigger mono style tub while it fruits but that’s because it’s super dry here.

there’s a few threads about them, here’s a big one

As far as SAB/sterile technique theres a few for that too.

here’s a good list of legit teks for just about everything

Using a still air box and a fruiting chamber and mixing coir is not the definition of easy here. Remember, this process needs none of that.

(Though it does use a mix of casing soil)