how to grow mushrooms the easy way

Man, i gotta say, i followed everything to the letter and i got nothing.Its been close to 10 days. Very disappointed after spending lots of money&now have none left. i got a couple fuzzys a couple days ago, I shook it but its not spreading anywhere. I am terrible at this stuff&feel like breaking everything in my sight. I have one syringe left,no more jars. I dont like this method of putting so little spore liquid in one jar,idk to me it sounds like it would work a lot easier if you put the whole syringe in one big jar. This DIY stuff always ends up being a waste of time for me. bc i dont have any connections to just buy what i want.
I will find a way to get more jars tomorrow&do this over again. I dont know what could have gone wrong. Maybe my jars were warm to the touch instead of room temperature.No more than warm to the touch means it can be a little warm,no more than that.Room temperature to me means cool. The jars were warm bc they were still in the pressure cooker from 24 hours previously.
I put the kernals in the jars when they were all dry after letting them sit overnight but after the jars were cooked there was a lot of water alongside the sides of the jars that came out of the popcorn that boiled for 30 minutes the night b4
All i want is some fn mushrooms,i should be able to go to the damn store and buy it if i want it. smh
I will find a way to get more jars tomorrow&do this over again. I dont know what could have gone wrong. Maybe my jars were warm to the touch instead of room temperature.No more than warm to the touch means it can be a little warm,no more than that.Room temperature to me means cool. The jars were warm bc they were still in the pressure cooker from 24 hours previously.
I put the kernals in the jars when they were all dry after letting them sit overnight but after the jars were cooked there was a lot of water alongside the sides of the jars that came out of the popcorn that boiled for 30 minutes the night b4
All i want is some fn mushrooms,i should be able to go to the damn store and buy it if i want it. smh
After you get the spores in the jar, get them somewhere warm. Between 80-84° is the temp you want.
Man, i gotta say, i followed everything to the letter and i got nothing.Its been close to 10 days. Very disappointed after spending lots of money&now have none left. i got a couple fuzzys a couple days ago, I shook it but its not spreading anywhere. I am terrible at this stuff&feel like breaking everything in my sight. I have one syringe left,no more jars. I dont like this method of putting so little spore liquid in one jar,idk to me it sounds like it would work a lot easier if you put the whole syringe in one big jar. This DIY stuff always ends up being a waste of time for me. bc i dont have any connections to just buy what i want.
Some times multispores take a couple weeks.. be patient man..
Like stated above, get keep your jars warm..
I used to make an inqubator out of a styrofoam cooler and a heating pad. Or i would put them in a box and set them on the top back of my fridge to keep them warm.
I put them on a heating pad a couple days ago. the box is pretty warm as of the last few days. Im going to get 6 more jars and finish the last syringe tomorrow or the next day anyway. I was under the impression that the process was much quicker than that. Hopefully it all works out, I will try and be patient lol.
Some times multispores take a couple weeks.. be patient man..
Like stated above, get keep your jars warm..
I used to make an inqubator out of a styrofoam cooler and a heating pad. Or i would put them in a box and set them on the top back of my fridge to keep them warm.
I've heard good things about fish tank heaters in water in a tote below a tote if that makes sense. Boiler room for me. Kind of pushed the envelope with the temps climbing to 85-86° at times, but not for too long at those temps. Growth was fast and that first tumble of kernels seems to always stall things a bit.
Man, i gotta say, i followed everything to the letter and i got nothing.Its been close to 10 days. Very disappointed after spending lots of money&now have none left. i got a couple fuzzys a couple days ago, I shook it but its not spreading anywhere. I am terrible at this stuff&feel like breaking everything in my sight. I have one syringe left,no more jars. I dont like this method of putting so little spore liquid in one jar,idk to me it sounds like it would work a lot easier if you put the whole syringe in one big jar. This DIY stuff always ends up being a waste of time for me. bc i dont have any connections to just buy what i want.

I'm sorry, but it is possible that your syringe is bad. Are there any particles evident in it?

The failure can be:
Bad syringe
Substrate too hot at inniculation
Too little air in the jar (not likely)
Substrate too dry.

If you have NOTHING growing in the jar, you can use the jar again.

If the corn is too dry you can re cook it.

Now, it being your first time you may not notice early growth. It can be tough to see at first.

Speed of growth depends primarily upon temperature. The higher the temp. The faster the growth. However, don't try to push it. Anything around standard room temp is fine. It doesn't have to zoom along. You can get into trouble if you try to rush it.

But, at 75 degrees f, you should see something at 10 days. 14 MAX.

there could be hundreds of spores on this period. (.). You only need two complementary ones. I'm not going to calculate the odds but they are damn good of your getting a fertile pair with only 20 let alone 100.

Of course you want more than one fertile point of innoculation but a worst case scenario would be a single point. A little care can even have that be a successful grow.

I feel your frustration. Let's see how we can help. If you get more syringes, go ahead and put 2 ccs in each jar.
I have one syringe left. 11 jars have nothing and 1 jar had a blackish pinned mold that i threw out. I was probably going to cook a jars worth of popcorn and then just put the whole syringe in one. I got a couple fuzzys early on,i shook the jar and nothing spread and now i dont even see any signs of the mold growing. Its been 3 weeks. Idk i feel like the popcorn absorbed way too much water. I mean i put them in the jar&they werent wet but all the jars have beads of water all along the sides of the jar&a couple stuck together on the bottom. The syringes were bought from sporeworks and done on two separate occasions. Or spreading out 2 syringe for 12 jars was a total waste of spores,idk.. Trying one more time then if i do it again ill try a different way.All of the syringes have a pretty big clump of spores&i shake the syringe&then distribute.
I have one syringe left. 11 jars have nothing and 1 jar had a blackish pinned mold that i threw out. I was probably going to cook a jars worth of popcorn and then just put the whole syringe in one. I got a couple fuzzys early on,i shook the jar and nothing spread and now i dont even see any signs of the mold growing. Its been 3 weeks. Idk i feel like the popcorn absorbed way too much water. I mean i put them in the jar&they werent wet but all the jars have beads of water all along the sides of the jar&a couple stuck together on the bottom. The syringes were bought from sporeworks and done on two separate occasions. Or spreading out 2 syringe for 12 jars was a total waste of spores,idk.. Trying one more time then if i do it again ill try a different way.All of the syringes have a pretty big clump of spores&i shake the syringe&then distribute.

Ok. It should grow even on corn mushrooms. If you can shake the jar, it is likely ok.


Hang on. I once got a batch of corn that I found would not grow anything. Turns out that the popcorn was treated with fungicide. Don't use that corn, try a different brand. I recall I was mystified.

Really, that is the only thing I can think of.

As far as your syringes and the amount to use, there are literally millions of spores in each syringe and only two are needed for success.
Blast off!. Started 12 one half pint jars containing a moist Brown Rice Flour/Vermiculite mix and inoculated with Penis Envy from a syringe. Fingers crossed.
Question @canndo have you changed anything with your method over the years or is it the same as back in 2013? Curious because I skimmed through the thread but reading through 59 pages is not easy with slow internet.
Question @canndo have you changed anything with your method over the years or is it the same as back in 2013? Curious because I skimmed through the thread but reading through 59 pages is not easy with slow internet.
Yeah, a few things have changed.

You can ease up on the cleanliness just a bit. No need for the jars to stay in total darkness, I think I originally said to buy more corn than you need.

But the method is still sound.

I gotta say though that the uncle Ben's rice bag is pretty good. I think I would merge the two approaches (mine and and the rice bag one) were I to start again.

Let me know
Yeah, a few things have changed.

You can ease up on the cleanliness just a bit. No need for the jars to stay in total darkness, I think I originally said to buy more corn than you need.

But the method is still sound.

I gotta say though that the uncle Ben's rice bag is pretty good. I think I would merge the two approaches (mine and and the rice bag one) were I to start again.

Let me know
Ok cool so I have no knowledge of growing mushrooms at all. Just sounds fun to try. What is the rice bag method?
Ok cool so I have no knowledge of growing mushrooms at all. Just sounds fun to try. What is the rice bag method?

I have been thinking.

Remember that the rice bag must remain sterile until it is completely colonized.

Tape or hot glue the hole you made IMMEDIATELY. Let the bag sit in a warm place sans direct sun light. A little light is ok and maybe preferable. I figure you don't want to shake the bag, it's small enough such that you won't speed it up very much. I don't know what to tell you about air exchange but I think there should be enough. Check the uncle Ben tech.

The advantage is that you don't need a pressure cooker.

Using my tech afterwords eliminates the need for a fruiting chamber as each jar acts as it's own what with the plastic bag placed over each one.

Fruiting in a jar works poorly unless you put a casing layer down.

It's pretty much a must. Don't expect the five or seven flushes you get from corn, you won't get that from rice but two or three should be plenty.

Given your use of a dozen jars you should get plenty, PLENTY of fruit. Don't let the jars get hotter than 75 or so, remember that they produce heat on their own.

If you are looking to save money, use a liquid culture and inoculated your bags with the culture. Not more than 5 or 7 cc so you don't inundate the rice.

It is kind of an interesting hybred tech.

And probably the cheapest and most reliable system you could use....I guess, having never tried it.

I suggest you use the most fool proof "strains". B+ or golden teacher. Don't get any exotics for this.

As I said long ago this is NOT for large scale or "bulk". After you have done this one several times abandon it and look to something more ambitious.

But a case of jars even if you lose a few will get you several oz of dried supplies for you and your friends.
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