how to grow weed


Well-Known Member
it was an observation, not an attack. My comment about being naive has been PROVEN with the comment you make that 'EVERYONE' in the house will know i'm move amigo!


Active Member
sorry uk grower but I think you are an underage, naive wannabee....
lmao, the Woomeister has spoken.

Yeah but anyways this video should be seen for ...entertainment? value only.. I really hope people don’t get fake I.D's to buy houses like this video suggests. I can't be certain if the guy just made his little "rap" as a serious gesture to help people grow cannabis, or just for the hell of it so he could rap about weed. Either way it sucks haha


Well-Known Member
I've said it before and i'll say it again...How old are you ukgrower?

I've read a lot of what you've posted..trying to big yourself up all the's what children do.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Eeh, no reason to personally attack the guy because you disagree with music taste or age. We all agreed its a stupid video, but to each his own. Someone saw the Spice Girls movie and liked it too, so to each their own.... ;)

Someone ruined their vhs copy of Spice Girls didn't they? :)

And to whom ever said some people like to be entertained while learning...I'd have no choice to agree...if the video was even mildly entertaining.

Fix up, look shaaarp!


Well-Known Member
I've said it before and i'll say it again...How old are you ukgrower?

I've read a lot of what you've posted..trying to big yourself up all the's what children do.
im 18, born 16th october 1991 and the reason i said everyone in the house will know im growin is coz i asked them, i have complete trust in these people, ive known them pretty much my whole life, never once betrayed me, and even though for 2 and a half years i abandoned them to hang out with stupid gangs whose greatest ambition in life is to go to prison for murder, they still took me back when i needed them, they managed to get me to stop drinkin and get me blazin again. and seein as we all have criminal records i wouldnt do something like risk them coz i decide i want a new lil hobby, once again i dont big myself up, when you hang around wit fools like i was you see and do shit that when i look back now is fairly disgusting, i regret jammin in the blocks and i regret the foolishness i was a part of.


Well-Known Member
Great post and should be made a sticky in every section of the forum.
why? i never proclaim myself to be a gangster, yet for some reason for most of the posts i make people seem to presume im either attempting to be a gangster or they call me a fake gangster, i have no desire to be either, these days im just doin what i should have always been doin, smokin weed, sellin weed, studyin and gtin my record clear so i can go uni, which seems a far cry thanks to my stupid governments budget cuts, they bail out bankers but the people can starve.


Well-Known Member
why? i never proclaim myself to be a gangster, yet for some reason for most of the posts i make people seem to presume im either attempting to be a gangster or they call me a fake gangster, i have no desire to be either, these days im just doin what i should have always been doin, smokin weed, sellin weed, studyin and gtin my record clear so i can go uni, which seems a far cry thanks to my stupid governments budget cuts, they bail out bankers but the people can starve.
The only person stopping you from going to university is yourself, quit blaming the government for the choices you make.

Ever heard of Open university or adult learning grants?
Quit the bullshit and maybe you'll get to where you want to be.


Well-Known Member
The only person stopping you from going to university is yourself, quit blaming the government for the choices you make.

Ever heard of Open university or adult learning grants?
Quit the bullshit and maybe you'll get to where you want to be.
im waitin 4 my record to be cleared, becuase all my offences were befor 18 and becuase i have expressed interest in university, they said they may clear it, specially since ive "reformed", this may be my only chance to escape his shithole and i plan on taking it.