So far I've learned nothing , except for the fact that some people like to bicker back and forth. I'm a complete newbie and on my very first grow. I still have about 4 weeks until harvest and trying to figure out this drying thing so that I'm ready when the time comes. Here's my thought on a possible drying technique, but I'm a newbie so someone please tell me if this will work or the simplest method possible.
I have a 10 gallon rubber tote that I'm gong to cut a hole in the bottom and place it over top of an air conditioning vent. That will make it cool and circulate the air inside. Then I'm going to put some string in it across the top and hang my buds from there. Short, and simple. Will that work ? It's kind of a stealth grow and I can't let anyone else in the house know I'm growing so I try and keep everything in my bedroom. Cn someone point me in the right direction please nd make it as simple as possible ?