How to hide my pot smoking from my parents?

No i'm not 14 i'm 21.
I'm a college girl. My parents pretty much begged me not to move out this year because they dont think im ready. I was going to move in with a friend but they changed my mind. I'm a sophomore at university! I do not like alcohol at all but weed is my queen. I got my medical license even though its legal in seattle now. It helps with my depression, add, anxiety and is way better for you than man made chemical prescriptions that they have tried to put me on (adderall, ritalin, prozac) . My parents can't see that.. Its a shame because i really feel weed has been blessing. Im not used to hiding things from my parents so can i have some tips like where to smoke? How to cover the smell? Should i invest in vapor?? Please help c:


Well-Known Member
Be straight and explain the situation about the meds not working good and cannabis does they should understand??


Well-Known Member
Are you under medical care for your problems which they are prescribing the medicine you don't like? Have you discussed cannabis use with your doctor and is it something he/she would be willing to talk to your parents about in a visit? To help explain the benefit to them? If not, maybe find a doctor that can help explain how and why cannabis is a better choice for you..a point of view from someone your parents hold in a position of knowledge might be all that's needed. Good luck..don't keep stuff from your family, my family has pretty much been torn apart because of menial lies and deceit of family members, the biggest issue was always lack of trust with family.


Well-Known Member
Time to cut the apron strings. Like others have said, this wont be the only time you guys will have a differance of opinions. they need to treat you as an adult instead of trying to protect you from the world. It seems more times than not that parents seems to have a hard time letting their daughters go. let them get mad. Dont back down. They will get over it, if not you always have a buddy to move with.


Well-Known Member
They prescribed you adderall and ritalin for depression/anxiety? You got a med license for depression/anxiety? C'mon.

Why do your parents think you are not ready? Sounds like there are more issues.

Like it or not you don't really get to enjoy freedom until you step up to the responsibilities that go with it. So if you can't talk it out you'll have to hide it. Peanut butter and Visine are good for cloaking the effects and the ozium sprays are pretty good for masking the scent.


Well-Known Member
What I did when I was a youngster was I took to taking the dog for late evening walks with a couple of single skins. Nice little high and minimal smell.


Well-Known Member
My fathers wife says the smell makes her nauseous. He bought a Magic Flight Launch Box. (hand held vape) he can vape in the same room with her and she can't tell.

The little box works for him, but my tolerance is too high to use it often. I'd have to roast like 2 trenches.

Fluff Up

Well-Known Member
you're 21, I assume you're parents are older than you (usually a safe assumption), therefore you're all adults
Talking about it openly and honestly really is the best route, they need to accept you're not a small child any more, as a young adult they have to leave you to make your own mistakes and be there when you need them.
Hiding it, concealing it and ultimately lying to your parents will just lead to more stress, arguing and bad feelings between you all
it may seem difficult now but is explaining that you lied to them about something they clearly feel strongly about will be a lot more difficult. It doesn't have to be a fight, just tell them how you feel/what you need in a calm & reasonable manner, if they say something to upset you don't ride on the anger/hurt, rationally think about what it is that made you angry, consider that they love you when they say something stupid to annoy you, and bare that in mind while you take on what they said.
The volume of your argument is inverse to the validity of your argument, the louder someones got to shout the less strength what they say has.

if you really need to hide it, pretty much the sprays etc. advised above and never smoke to close to when you'll be around them for periods of time like dinner etc. give it 30-45 minutes, they'll pick up on your "altered" behaviour


Well-Known Member
You can eat edibles to deal with your conditions you know. You dont need to abuse the smoke if you dont have to.... Unless you want to.... Anyways you are old enough to have an adult conversation with them about your health.

Chester da Horse

Well-Known Member
TBH, when I was 23 I started smoking weed and investigating the alphabet of drugs. I straight out phoned my ultraconservative control freak father and told him I love the ganja. I just explained to him that it was the key to stabilising my mental health and that the current social construct surrounding it was contorted away from the truth. It didn't go down well, but if they see me smoke a J they just shake their heads instead of freaking out.

Underneath it all, love conquers the irrational fear of this helpful herb that the government has instilled in their generation.
The way i see it explain the side effects of the prescription drugs versus the side effects of smoking Marijuana which are non existent except for the munchies lol good luck


Well-Known Member
Edibles. Done. HMU if you want some sweet recipes. I make badass rice crispy treats. I have a few recipes that you can't taste any ganja at all in them.

I can't go without smoking personally, because I LOVE the taste. The flavor was my primary motivator all those years ago. I like a vap and concentrates from time to time, but the sweet flower has no equal. If you can deal with edibles, do it. If not, just be honest. It may sting for a sec, but it will pass.


Well-Known Member
you can't hide it. Parents always know. Unless they choose to be blind. When i was younger I always tried to hide it. Getting busted didn't help. They always knew when i was smoking even though I thought I was being sneaky. After I moved out I was open about it. Laws and social acceptance has changed drastically since then. I'd say be open about it. Unless they're 1950's bible beater conservatives. I dont see anyone having issues. My mom now is cool with it. She won't ever try it. She's ultra conservative . But my moms cool with it.


Well-Known Member
No i'm not 14 i'm 21.
I'm a college girl. My parents pretty much begged me not to move out this year because they dont think im ready. I was going to move in with a friend but they changed my mind. I'm a sophomore at university! I do not like alcohol at all but weed is my queen. I got my medical license even though its legal in seattle now. It helps with my depression, add, anxiety and is way better for you than man made chemical prescriptions that they have tried to put me on (adderall, ritalin, prozac) . My parents can't see that.. Its a shame because i really feel weed has been blessing. Im not used to hiding things from my parents so can i have some tips like where to smoke? How to cover the smell? Should i invest in vapor?? Please help c:
OK the truth of the matter is tell your parents strait out own father hates drugs but seen how weed effects me compared to the pills doctors will put me on

good thing u got out of the doctor pills ........mess up all kinds of things

as for hiding it Vape works well they sell several pens u can load up with oils gotten from the shops or u can by premix/packaged pens like Ovape

if u are like me and rather have a strong bong hit u can use a short bong stash it anywhere or can get a longer (but this requires u think out a space use it and then put away)
this here is to blow tho to let the hit out
that is the main stream product .......u can make one out of papertowel roll and dryer sheets shove a bunch down in the tub on one side put a sheet over the end with a rubber band to hold the sheet in when u blow hard ........toss out every 2 weeks

other choice if it fits your style is a gasmask filter ........just blow tho the end that should take in the bad air other end nothing will come tho no smell or anything good for 6/8 months then replace it

as for smoking indoor and killing any and all oders
this thing is a great it has a ozone choice this will kill the smell of anything just do not run it all the time for a excuse it cleans the air of everything it has a UV light to kill bugs so u got it (400cfm it should handle a 10x12x7 room in 2 mins ) just using a large room for bed room

joints and stuff like that u blow at the back of the fan ......if u have 5 mins u can clear the smell/smoke
i have one and cut just under 8 oz in under 3 hours jarred them up and got rid of stems ....turned the fan on got 20 mins of run time and buddy shows up could not smell anything and if knew had HP on me would of been all over my ass for a free jar


Well-Known Member
you can't hide it. Parents always know. Unless they choose to be blind. When i was younger I always tried to hide it. Getting busted didn't help. They always knew when i was smoking even though I thought I was being sneaky. After I moved out I was open about it. Laws and social acceptance has changed drastically since then. I'd say be open about it. Unless they're 1950's bible beater conservatives. I dont see anyone having issues. My mom now is cool with it. She won't ever try it. She's ultra conservative . But my moms cool with it.
That's exactly what happen with me ahaha.
My mom was super strict about it before I moved out. You need to claim your Independence before you can openly talk to them as adults. They're just going to see you as their "kid" until you prove to them you don't need them for the necessities of life. Part of that is standing up and saying that they are wrong, that you can make it on your own. Then show them that you can. Either way they're your parents, like everyone says, they'll get over it.......unless @hyroot 's comment is right about them being bible thumping